Contents 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 Octal, Hexadecimal Output with ostream Floating Point Types . . . . . . . . . . . Named Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enumerated Types: enum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 22 24 24 26 26 27 28 28 30 32 32 33 34 35 38 40 40 41 42 43 43 44 44 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 54 57 C Programming for Engineers A Review of C. Introducing iostream Nick Urbanik This document Licensed under GPL—see slide 87 2006 February Outline Expressions 6.1 Arithmetic Expressions . . . . . . . . 6.2 Arithmetic Operators and Precedence 6.3 All Operators and their Precedence . . 6.4 Relational Expressions . . . . . . . . 6.5 Logical Expressions . . . . . . . . . . 6.6 Assignment Expressions . . . . . . . 6.7 Increment, Decrement Operators . . . 6.8 Comma Operator . . . . . . . . . . . 6.9 Arithmetic if Expressions . . . . . . . 6.10 Bitwise Operators . . . . . . . . . . . 6.11 Casts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents 1 2 Who am I? Who are You? Overview 2.1 Quick Tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Standard Input, Standard Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Redirecting Output and Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C++ and iostreamlibrary 3.1 An overview of the iostream library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuing our tour 4.1 hello.cpp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Basic Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Input characters without skipping whitespace . . . . . . . . 4.4 I/O of other data to standard output and from standard input . 4.5 Reading into strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Reading till the end of file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Infinite Loop while reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 16 18 7 3 4 Statements 7.1 Simple Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Compound Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Looping Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 while Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 do statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 Avoid Confusing == with = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 Using a constant or single variable as a test condition 7.9 while and the null statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10 for Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.11 Comparing while and for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.12 if and switch Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.13 break, continue, goto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.14 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functions 8.1 Defining Functions . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Calling Functions . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Using return Value from Functions 8.4 Function Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 Data Types 5.1 Integer Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Who am I? Who are You? 9 Arrays 9.1 Defining Arrays . 9.2 Arrays and Loops 9.3 Exercise . . . . . 9.4 Strings . . . . . . 3 58 58 60 61 61 63 64 65 65 68 68 68 71 72 73 74 76 77 77 77 78 79 80 81 82 82 83 84 86 2. Overview – Call me Nick • My email address is • The notes for this class are always available at • I taught in Hong Kong for ten years • I taught in Macau one year before that • Before that I wrote software in C++ to collect data for medical experiments How we will work in these classes • We will learn by doing – I will explain something for a short time – you will then try it out for a short time • Next week: – I will print the notes out for you, now that I know what you need – I will give you more information about this course 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Pointers 10.1 Pointers as Function Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Arrays and Pointers 11.1 Strong relationship between arrays and pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Multidimensional Arrays and arrays of pointers 12.1 Arrays of pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Memory Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.3 Multidimensional Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . 12.4 Command Line Arguments: argc, argv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Structures 13.1 Passing Structures to Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 typedef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Reading and Writing Files 14.1 fstream: file input and output . . . . 14.2 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Binary files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.4 Character I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5 Reading a Line at a time: getline() 14.6 I/O of other data to/from Text Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • This is always available from; click on the link on the left “C for Engineers”. • I will publish all the teaching material also on, and I’ll explain to you how to use it 2 Overview 15 Guidelines 15.1 Style Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.2 Program Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Some Things to Read 2.1 Quick Tour C — Quick tour • C was originally designed as a low-level systems programming language for an early version of the UNIX operating system. • Combine: – efficiency and hardware access capability of assembler with – high level language structures and – portability • Most of the Linux and UNIX operating systems are written in C. 1 Who am I? Who are You? • Welcome to our class in Electrical Control, C Programming • My name is Nick Urbanik Welcome! 2.2 Standard Input, Standard Output C is portable 5 2.3 Redirecting Output and Input 6 • Although C matches the capabilities of many computers, it is independent of any particular machine architecture. • it is not difficult to write portable programs that can be run without change on a variety of hardware • the standard makes portability issues explicit, and prescribes a set of constants that characterize the machine on which the program is run. – See limits.h C — quick tour (continued) • The standard library is a suite of ready-written commonly used functions • header files declare the library functions, and any symbolic constants required. • The (obsolete) header file for the iostream library is included into your program file with: #include 2.3 Redirecting Output and Input Output Redirection • We redirect output using ’>’ • For example: C:\STUDENT> command > output Creates the file output (or overwrites it if it already exists) and places the standard output from command into it • We can append to a file rather than overwriting it by using >> • Header files tell the compiler about the library functions and about the type of the parameters and return types • linker automatically links in the required functions at compile-time. • C programs make use of functions from the standard library; e.g., all input and output operations are usually performed using standard library functions. normally 2.2 Standard Input, Standard Output Standard Input, Output • If you run a program in Windows or Linux, it usually has three files already open: Name Standard Input Standard output Standard error File Descriptor 0 1 2 normally connected to keyboard screen screen command > with redirection output (file) Input Redirection • < redirects standard input from a file, e.g., C:\STUDENT> analyse < numbers.txt • These are normally connected to the keyboard and your command prompt window 3. C++ and iostream library • analyse now take the contents of the file numbers.txt as its input 7 3.1 An overview of the iostream library std::cin pronounced see-in – an istream class object representing standard input std::cout pronounced see-out – an ostream class object representing standard output std::cerr pronounced see-err – an ostream class object representing standard error Input and Output operators 8 numbers.txt (file) < st di n analyse stdo ut • Output is done using the left shift operator < < • Input is done using the right shift operator > > #include int main( void ) { char name[ 1000 ]; std::cout < "what is your name? "; < std::cin > name; > if ( name[ 0 ] == ’\0’ ) std::cerr < "error: name is empty!\n"; < else < < < std::cout < "hello, " < name < "!\n"; } 3 C++ C++ and iostreamlibrary • C++ is forwards compatible with C • If a C++ compiler cannot compile a C program, the C program may be poorly written • We will use some basic C++ features in this course, where they make things easier • One of these ways is file input and output using the iostream standard library. • Another is the standard string library, but I don’t think that Borland C++ 3.1 supports it. How do I remember? • A way of remembering which operator is which: • each operator points in the direction the data moves, e.g., >x > 3.1 An overview of the iostreamlibrary Overview of iostreamlibrary • To use iostream library in programs, we must include the header file like this: #include puts data into x, while • The library defines three standard stream objects: 4. Continuing our tour 9 4.3 Input characters without skipping whitespace Variable declarations • Variables are declared and defined with a data type and a name. • The name is also called an identifier. 10 4 Continuing our tour 4.1 hello.cpp First example • Program hello.cpp: // A first program in C++ #include int main( void ) { std::cout < "Hello World\n"; < } • First character of a variable must be letter or underscore (_). Special characters (e.g., $ and #) are illegal. • Some people (including me!) recommend using lowercase letters and underscores only. 4.3 Input characters without skipping whitespace Input characters without skipping whitespace • Output for Program hello.cpp: Hello World Good programming practice • Indentation can improves clarity and readability. It can be enhanced by placing braces or blank lines. • Use variable and function names that explain themselves • Functions should be shorter than one A4 page and should be simple to understand • Every long or complicated function should be preceded by a comment describing the purpose of the function. • Aim: make the program as easy for a human to understand as possible • Saves money: less time to change/update program = less money. • We can input and output characters one at a time: • Program one-char-io.cpp: #include int main( void ) { char letter ; std::cin > letter ; > std::cout < letter ; < } • Note that by default, std::cin > letter ; will skip over whitespace, such as spaces, > tabs and newlines • You can use the iostream member function std::cin.get() to input characters one at a time, including whitespace: #include int main( void ) { char letter ; std::cin.get( letter ); std::cout < letter ; < } 4.2 Basic Syntax Format of main() function without parameters int main( void ) { declarations ; statements ; } 4.4 I/O of other data to standard output and from standard input Data Types • Three of the most commonly used data types: int double char integer floating point number character 11 4.5 Reading into strings Output of program celcius.cpp: 212 deg F => 100 deg C Using std::cin for input • std::cin object performs the opposite operation. • reads text from standard input and assigns to variables • automatically converts the input text data to appropriate types • Program cin-cout-2.cpp: #include int main( void ) { int num; float cost; std::cout < "Enter number: "; < std::cin > num; > std::cout < "Enter cost: "; < std::cin > cost; > std::cout < "Num = " < num < ", cost = " < < < < cost < ’\n’; < < } 12 • Program vars.cpp: #include int main( void ) { int num = 5; float cost = 9.5; std::cout < "Hello: num = " < num < < < " cost = " < cost < < < ’\n’; < } The std::endl manipulator • The iostream libraries support manipulators • A manipulator changes the state of a stream • The std::endl manipulator: – prints a newline ’\n’, and – sends any remaining characters stored ready for output, to the output ∗ We say that this “flushes the buffer” 4.5 Reading into strings Strings — array of characters • A string is an array of characters, i.e., text. • The length of the string can be defined with a number enclosed in brackets. e.g., array of 10 characters with name lname: char lname[ 10 ]; 4.4 I/O of other data to standard output and from standard input Input and output with iostream • Simple input and output operations using iostream library objects std::cout and std::cin • Program celcius.cpp: #include int main( void ) { double fahr = 212, cel; cel = ( 5.0 / 9.0 ) * ( fahr − 32 ); std::cout < fahr < " deg F => " < < < < cel < " deg C\n"; < } 4.6 Loops • Program cin-cout-3.cpp: #include int main( void ) { int num; char lname[ 1000 ]; < std::cout < "Enter class number: "; std::cin > num; > std::cout < "Enter last name: "; < > std::cin > lname; std::cout < "class number is " < num < < < ", lastname is " < lname < < < ’\n’; < } 13 4.8 Infinite Loop while reading Reading till the end of file 14 • If you execute the code std::cin > name; after reaching end of file, the result is > false. • That means you can write code like this: if ( std::cin > name ) { > // do something with name } • You can also write a loop that automatically terminates when there is no more to read: float num; while ( std::cin > num ) { > // Now we know that num is a valid float, // so do something with it } 4.6 Loops Loops • A loop will cause statements to be executed repeatedly until a test condition proves false • Program while-1.cpp: #include int main( void ) { int j = 0; while ( j < 5 ) { std::cout < "j has the value " < j < ’\n’; < < < j = j + 1; } } – After this loop is finished, either we have reached end of file, or the next input is not a valid float 4.8 Infinite Loop while reading Infinite Loop while reading • If you do something like this: float num = 1.0; std::cout < "enter positive floats: "; < while ( num > 0 ) { std::cin > num; > std::cout < "You gave me " < num < ’\n’; < < < } 4.7 Reading till the end of file End of file • When there is no more input, a program has reached the end of file • When reading standard input: – that is redirected from a file (see section 2.3 on page 6), the program has reached end of file when, well, the last line is read. § ¤ ¤ § – from the keyboard, you can type ¦ Control-Z ¥ Windows, or ¦ on Control-d ¥ on Linux to tell your program that it has reached the end of file if you enter something that is not a valid float, you get an infinite loop. • Use the method I described in the last slide. • See for more about this. 5 Data Types Data Types 5. Data Types 15 5.1 Integer Types Integer and floating point data types • Types of integer data (each has an unsigned counterpart): – character 16 • Data is represented in memory by a sequence of bits, arranged into bytes, eight bits to a byte • These bits could represent – strings or characters – integers – floating point values – memory addresses – binary values representing music or video – ... • Each item of data has a data type • The data type determines how the program will interpret the data Declaration & data types • A variable declaration consists of a data type and an identifier, followed by a semicolon: Data Type • Example: int count; Variable Name semicolon – integer – short integer – long integer – long long integer • Types of floating point values: – single precision (float) – double precision (double) – long double precision (long double) • The range of values that can be held are machine dependent. • The ranges of integer types are in limits.h • The ranges of floating types are in float.h 5.1 Integer Types Signed integers — 1 • An unsigned integer has only positive values while a signed integer can have a positive or negative value. Basic data types character signed character unsigned character integer unsigned integer long integer unsigned long integer long long integer unsigned long long integer short integer floating point Keywords char signed char unsigned char int int long unsigned long long long unsigned long long short float or double or long double • Signed Integers: int size: range: use: standard integer system dependent, usually size of a word. INT_MIN to INT_MAX, defined in limits.h. For 4 byte word, −231 − 1 to 231 , i.e., −2147483648 to 2147483647 int num; 1000 example declaration: example constant: 5.1 Integer Types Signed integers — 2 17 5.2 Characters 18 unsigned int long size: range: example declaration: example constant: short size: range: declaration: constants: long long long long size: range: example declaration: example constant: unsigned long long size: range: example declaration: example constant: Unsigned integers — 1 use: very large numbers usually 8 bytes. for 8 bytes, −263 to 263 − 1, i.e., −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 long long lnum; 5212000LL use: very large positive numbers usually 8 bytes. for 8 bytes, 0 to 264 − 1, i.e., 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 unsigned long long lnum; 5212000LL char size: range: example declaration: example constant: usually 8 bits; CHAR_BIT in limits.h CHAR_MIN to CHAR_MAX. For 1 byte, could be −27 to 27 − 1, i.e., −127 to 128 or 0 to 255 char ch; ’a’ use: large numbers size: usually 4 bytes. LONG_MIN to LONG_MAX. For 4 bytes, −2 −2147483648 to 2147483647 long lnum; 5212000L Unsigned integers — 2 unsigned long size: range: example declaration: example constant: unsigned short size: range: example declaration: example constant: usually 2 bytes; always same size as short int 0 to USHRT_MAX. For 2 bytes, 0 to 65536 unsigned short usnum; 34000u usually 4 bytes; always same size as long 0 to UINT_MAX. For 4 byte, 0 to 232 − 1 = 4294967295 unsigned long ulnum; 76212000uL 31 system dependent; always same size as int 0 to UINT_MAX. For 4 byte word, 0 to 232 − 1, i.e., 4294967295 unsigned int unum; or unsigned unum; 5530u range: to 2 31 − 1, i.e., declaration: constants: use: smaller numbers 2 bytes or same size as integer SHRT_MIN to SHRT_MAX. For 2 bytes, −215 to 215 − 1, i.e., −32768 to 32767 short snum; 120 5.2 Characters Characters • When working with characters, use the type char. • Note that the type char can be signed or unsigned, depending on the compiler. 5.2 Characters 19 5.3 Octal, Hexadecimal Output with ostream 20 Characters: signed, unsigned • specify the type as signed or unsigned only if you care. #include int main( void { char letter int num char ch1 char ch2 ) = ’A’; = letter ; = ’b’; = ’B’; // ’A’ is character constant // ASCII code = 98 // ASCII code = 66 signed char size: range: example declaration: example constant: unsigned char usually 8 bits; CHAR_BIT in limits.h SCHAR_MIN to SCHAR_MAX. For 1 byte, −27 to 27 − 1, i.e., −127 to 128 signed char ch; ’a’ std::cout < "letter = " < letter < < < ", num = " < num < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "letter + 1 = " < letter + 1 < < < < < ", num = " < num < ’\n’; < std::cout < ch1 < " - " < ch2 < < < < " = " < ch1 − ch2 < std::endl; < < < } Output for Program princhar.cpp: size: range: example declaration: Character types • Characters are represented in C with integer values. • The correspondence between a given character and an integer value is determined by an agreed-upon character set, such as the ASCII character set. • Examples of declarations: char letter ; signed char sletter ; unsigned char uletter ; usually 8 bits; CHAR_BIT in limits.h 0 to UCHAR_MAX. For 1 byte, 0 to 28 − 1 = 255 unsigned char ch; letter = A, num = 65 letter + 1 = 66, num = 65 b - B = 32 5.3 Octal, Hexadecimal Output with ostream Integer constants: octal and hexadecimal • An integer can be represented in an octal or a hexadecimal form. Octal integer constants are represented with a leading zero. Hexadecimal integer constant is represented with the leading characters 0x, or 0X. Integer 4 12 123 Octal 04 014 0173 Hexadecimal 0x4 0xc 0x7b Program princhar.cpp • The long integer qualifier L can also used with the octal and hexadecimal • Example of octal constant: 0553000L • Example of hexadecimal constant: 0x2f6c7a333L 5.3 Octal, Hexadecimal Output with ostream Program printvar.cpp #include #include int main( void ) { int num = 77; short int small = 0173; short little = 0x7b; long int big = 88000; long large = −43000L; unsigned int unum = 45000; unsigned long ubig = 330000000UL; std::cout < std::showbase; < std::cout < "num (dec) = " < num < < < < < ", (oct) = " < std::oct < num < < ", (hex) = " < std::hex < num < ’\n’; < < < < std::cout < "small (oct) = " < std::oct < small < < < < ", little (hex) = " < std::hex < little < ’\n’; < < < < std::cout < "big (dec) = " < std::dec < big < < < < ", large (dec) = " < large < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "unum = " < unum < < < ", ubig = " < ubig < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "small (dec) = " < small < < < ", little (dec) = " < little < std::endl; < < < } 21 5.4 Floating Point Types 22 std::dec Changes the state of the ostream to displaying all integer type numbers in decimal std::showbase a state that displays octal with leading “0”, hexadecimal with leading “0x” 5.4 Floating Point Types Floating point data types — 1 • The floating point data type is used to represent real numbers. Real numbers include the fractional number between integers. two components: an exponent and a fraction float size: range: example declaration: example constant: system dependent, usually four bytes. FLT MIN to FLT MAX defined in float.h float fnum; 3.456f Floating point data types — float double size: range: example declaration: example constants: twice the size of float, usually eight bytes DBL MIN to DBL MAX defined in float.h double dnum; floating point notation: 3.4567 exponential notation: 4.788e+5, 3e1 Output for Program printvar.cpp num (dec) = 77, (oct) = 0115, (hex) = 0x4d small (oct) = 0173, little (hex) = 0x7b big (dec) = 88000, large (dec) = -43000 unum = 45000, ubig = 330000000 small (dec) = 123, little (dec) = 123 • We need to include iomanip here for the manipulators: std::oct Changes the state of the ostream to displaying all integer type numbers in octal. All numbers printed while in this state are in octal. std::hex Changes the state of the ostream to displaying all integer type numbers in hexadecimal Floating point data types — long double long double size: range: example declaration: example constants: bigger than the size of double. LDBL MIN to LDBL MAX defined in float.h long double ldnum; 3.4567L exponential notation: 4.788e+5L 5.4 Floating Point Types Program float-io.cpp #include int main( void ) { float cost = 15.92; float total = 3.6e5; float value = 357e−1; // value is 35.7 double debt = 1.2e15; long double decrease = 5e−6; std::cout < "cost = " < < cost < < ", total = " < total < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "value = " < value < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "debt = " < < debt < ’\n’ < < < < < "decrease = " < decrease < ’\n’; < } 23 5.5 Named Constants 24 Output for Program float.cpp float min: 1.17549e-38 float max: 3.40282e+38 double min: 2.22507e-308 double max: 1.79769e+308 long double min: 3.3621e-4932 long double max: 1.18973e+4932 float epsilon: 1.19209e-07 double epsilon: 2.22045e-16 long double epsilon: 1.0842e-19 A long double constant: 478800 5.5 Named Constants Symbolic constants: #define, const, and enum • #define can be thought of as a global substitution command. • The #define directive consists of the #define keyword, a define symbol, and a replacement text. • Program define.cpp: #include #define RATE 1.5 // Note: terminated by comment or newline int main( void ) { float cost = RATE * 8.0; std::cout < "Cost = " < cost < < < ", rate = " < RATE < ’\n’; < < < } Output for Program float-io.cpp cost = 15.92, total = 360000 value = 35.7 debt = 1.2e+15 decrease = 5e-06 Program float.cppshowing limits of floating values #include <float.h> #include int main() { std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < std::cout < < return 0; } "float min: " < FLT MIN < ’\n’; < < "float max: " < FLT MAX < ’\n’; < < "double min: " < DBL MIN < ’\n’; < < < "double max: " < DBL MAX < ’\n’; < "long double min: " < LDBL MIN < ’\n’; < < "long double max: " < LDBL MAX < ’\n’; < < < "float epsilon: " < FLT EPSILON < ’\n’; < "double epsilon: " < DBL EPSILON < ’\n’; < < "long double epsilon: " < LDBL EPSILON < ’\n’; < < "A long double constant: " < 4.788e+5L < ’\n’; < < 5.6 Enumerated Types: enum Kconst and enum • Using const is better than #define. Program const.cpp: 5.6 Enumerated Types: enum 25 6. Expressions • Output of program enum-3.cpp: 26 #include 30 5 255 1 int main( void ) { const float rate = 1.5; float cost = rate * 8; // with “;” 6 Expressions • Expressions define the tasks to be performed in a program do calculations perform function calls and assignment operations • Arithmetic expressions perform the standard arithmetic operations. – Arithmetic operator — is a symbol or a binary operator, i.e. acts upon 1 or more operands or values. – Operand —- may be constant, variable, or function. Expressions std::cout < "cost = " < cost < < < < < ", rate = " < rate < ’\n’; < } • Program enum-2.cpp: #include enum weather { clouds, rain, sunny, storm }; int main( void ) { weather today = sunny ; std::cout < clouds < ’ ’ < rain < ’ ’ < < < < < sunny < ’ ’ < storm < ’\n’; < < < < std::cout < "today: " < today < ’\n’; < < < } operator 8+x operands Enumerated types — 2 • Program enum-3.cpp: #include enum weather { clouds = 30, rain = 5, sunny = 255, storm = 1 }; enum boolean { TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0 }; int main( void ) { weather today = rain; std::cout < clouds < ’ ’ < rain < ’ ’ < < < < < sunny < ’ ’ < storm < ’\n’; < < < < std::cout < "today: " < today < ’\n’; < < < } 6.1 Arithmetic Expressions Arithmetic operators — unary • Unary arithmetic operators: + plus, or positive − negative −6 −( −6 ) −( 3 − 7 ) −y negative 6 positive 6 positive 4 change the sign of operand y 6.2 Arithmetic Operators and Precedence Arithmetic operators — binary • Additive operators: + addition − subtraction total = 8 + 5 − 2; sum = num − 3; 27 6.3 All Operators and their Precedence • Example: 2+4*5−3 28 evaluates to the same as: 2 + 20 − 3 Arithmetic Precedence and Associativity (cont’) • If the operators share the same operand, the priority of one operator over the other will be determined by its associativity. Associativity describes how an operator associates its operands. • Arithmetic operators associate left to right, whereas assignment operators associate right to left. • Example: 2 + 10 − 5 • Multiplicative operators: * multiplication / division % modulo or remainder int total; total = 8 * 5; total = 23 / 4; // now total has the value 5 total = 23 % 4; // now total has the value 3 6.2 Arithmetic Operators and Precedence Arithmetic precedence and associativity • One operator may take precedence over another. • When an expression is evaluated, it is broken down into a series of subexpressions, one for each operator. • The order in which these subexpressions are evaluated is determined by either parentheses or precedence. • Example: (2+4)*(5−3) evaluates the same as 12 − 5 • The following table lists the precedence and assciativity of operators. 6.3 All Operators and their Precedence All Operators and their Precedence See table 1 for a list of all C operators and their precedence and associativity. Associativity tells you whether, if the precedence is equal, whether the operators be applied from left to right (left associative), or from right to left (right associative). 6.4 Relational Expressions Comparison Expressions • Relational, equality, and logical expressions compare their operands. the result of the comparison is the integer value of either one or zero. • If an operation compares successfully, the result of the expression is an integer value of 1. If an operation compares fails, the result of the expression is an integer value of 0. evaluates to the same as 6*2 • If there are no parentheses, precedence determines the order of evaluation • All operators are ranked according to their precedence. • Operators with greater precedence are evaluated first. 6.4 Relational Expressions Level 15L Operator −>, . [] () sizeof ++, −− ∼ ! +, − *, & () *, /, % +, − <> <, > <, <=, >, >= ==, != & ^ | && || ?: = *=, /=, %= +=, −=, < <= > >=, &=, |=, ^= , Function structure member selectors array index function call size in bytes increment, decrement bitwise NOT logical NOT unary plus, minus dereference, address-of type conversion (cast) multiply, divide, modulus arithmetic operators bitwise shift relational operators equality, inequality bitwise AND bitwise XOR bitwise OR logical AND logical OR arithmetic if assignment operator compound assignment operators 29 6.5 Logical Expressions Relational expressions — 1 • Relational expressions can be combined with other expressions. • Example: num = 3; abc = ( num < 5 ); 30 14R As 3 < 5, the resulting value of abc is 1. • Example: num = 8; abc = 5 + ( num < 5 ); 13L 12L 11L 10L 9L 8L 7L 6L 5L 4L 3L 2R As 8 > 5, the value of abc is 5 + 0 = 5. Relational expressions — 2 • The equality operators test a relationship between two operands • result is 1 or 0. == equal, != not equal • equality operator is a double equal sign == • assignment operation is a single equals sign = e.g while ( test == 1 ) // comparison operation for equality test = 1; // assignment operation 1L comma operator 6.5 Logical Expressions Logical expressions — 1 • The logical operators compare the truth or false of their operands. determined by whether or not it has a zero value – If an expression evaluates to zero, the expression is false – If an expression evaluates to a non-zero, it is true. • The operands of a logical operation are often relational expressions. && || ! logical AND logical OR logical NOT Table 1: Table of C operators and their precedence • A relational operator compares two operands and determines whether one is greater or less than the other. < > <= >= less than greater than less than or equal greater than or equal 6.5 Logical Expressions Logical expressions — 2 • Here is the truth table for the logical AND operation: expr1 T T F F non-zero non-zero 0 0 T F T F expr2 non-zero 0 non-zero 0-zero (expr1) && (expr2) T F F F 1 0 0 0 31 6.6 Assignment Expressions 32 6.6 Assignment Expressions Assignment expressions • assignment operation is an expression. • resulting value of the assignment expression is the value assigned to the variable in the assignment operation. • assignment operation can be combined with other operators to form a complex expression: total = ( num = ( 4 + 2 ) ); • Truth table for the logical OR operation: expr1 T T F F non-zero non-zero 0 0 T F T F expr2 non-zero 0 non-zero 0-zero (expr1) || (expr2) T T T F 1 1 1 0 • Parentheses can be left out since assignment evaluate from right to left. total = num = 4 + 2; which is identical to total = 4 + 2; num = 4 + 2; • Truth table for the logical NOT operation: expr T F non-zero 0 !(expr) F T 0 1 Arithmetic assignment operators • provide a shorthand applying an arithmetic operation to a variable – j += 3; is equivalent to j = j + 3; Program countdig.cpp /* Counts only the numeric characters ’0’ - ’9’ read from standard input */ #include int main( void ) { int n = 0; char c; while ( std::cin > c ) { > if ( c >= ’0’ && c <= ’9’ ) n = n + 1; } < < < std::cout < "Count of digits = " < n < ’\n’; } – j *= 3; is equivalent to j = j * 3; • List of arithmetic assignment operators: += −= *= /= %= add and then assign subtract and then assign multiply and then assign divide and then assign modulo; assign remainder 6.7 Increment, Decrement Operators Increment and decrement assignment operators • an assignment operation in which 1 is added/subtracted to a variable and the result assigned to that variable. 6.8 Comma Operator 33 6.9 Arithmetic if Expressions • Example: r = ( 3 * 5, 8.00 + 2.5, num = 5 ); 34 • The increment or decrement operator can operate in two ways: Prefix places the increment or decrement operator before its operand. Postfix places the increment or decrement operator after its operand. • Example: x = 32; y = ++x; • The result is the value of the last expression in its list i.e., r = num = 5 imply x = 32 + 1 = 33 and y = x = 33 • But x = 32; y = x++; • The main use of comma is in the headers of for loops: for ( i = 0, j = n; i < n; ++i, −−j ) 6.9 Arithmetic if Expressions Arithmetic if Expressions • A conditional expression implements an if-else decision format. • The conditional expression consists of three subexpressions: test expression and two alternative result expressions expression1 ? expression2 : expression3 • If the test is true, the result will be the value of the second expression. • If the test is false, the result will be the value of the third expression. Arithmetic if expressions — 2 • When used in an assignment operation, the arithmetic if expression works like an ifelse statement. max = ( a > b ) ? a : b; imply y = x = 32 and x = 32 + 1 = 33 Program plusequl.cpp #include int main( void ) { int n, j, k ; k = j = n = 4; std::cout < "n = " < n < ", j = " < j < < < < < ", k = " < k < ’\n’; < < < n += j = 3; std::cout < "n = " < n < ", j = " < j < < < < < ’\n’; < } Output for Program plusequl.cpp: n = 4, j = 4, k = 4 n = 7, j = 3 • equivalent to if ( a > b ) max = a; else max = b; 6.8 Comma Operator Comma operator expressions • The comma operator expression is an expression that consists of a list of other expressions. • The comma does not perform any operation on these expressions. – they are simply evaluated sequentially as if they were a series of statements. 6.10 Bitwise Operators 35 6.10 Bitwise Operators 36 6.10 Bitwise Operators Bitwise operators — 1 • The bitwise operations allow the programmer to manipulate specific bits. • The bitwise operations can be combined with masks to turn specific bits on and off. • The bitwise AND operation, &, is used to clear specific bits in an integer operand, leaving the other bits unchanged. • The bitwise OR operation, |, is used to set specific bits in an integer operand, leaving the other bits unchanged Bitwise operators — 2 • Here is the truth table for the bitwise AND operation: bit n T T F F 1 1 0 0 bit m T F T F 1 0 1 0 m&n T F F F 1 0 0 0 • The bitwise exclusive OR operator, ^, results in 1 if the corresponding two bits are different: bit m 0 0 1 1 Shift Operators • There are two shift operators: < left shift operator < > right shift operator > • useful for accessing individual parts of a bit pattern • shift the bits of the left operand some number of positions to the left or right. unsigned char bits = 1; bits = bits < 1; < bits = bits < 2; < bits = bits > 3; > // // // // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0010 1000 0001 bit m 0 1 0 1 m^n 0 1 1 0 • Truth table for the bitwise OR operation: bit n T T F F 1 1 0 0 bit m T F T F 1 0 1 0 m|n T T T F 1 1 1 0 Right Shift Operator • the right shift operator will fill negative signed numbers with ‘1’s from the left, but will shift 0 into the MSb (most significant bit) of unsigned numbers. • Program shiftright-demo.cpp Bitwise operators — 3 • The one’s complement operator, ∼, is a unary operator. • The resulting value is set to the opposite of that of the operand’s bit. bit m 0 1 ∼m 1 0 6.10 Bitwise Operators #include #include int main( void ) { int test numbers[ ] = { −16, 16, −1, 1 }; const int len = sizeof( test numbers ) / sizeof( test numbers[ 0 ] ); for ( int i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { int n = test numbers[ i ]; unsigned u = n; std::cout < showbase; < std::cout < < "dec n: " < dec < n < "; n > 2: " < < < < > < < "\thex n: " < hex < n < "; n > 2: " < ( n < < < < > < < ’\n’; < std::cout < < "dec u: " < dec < u < "; u > 2: " < < < < > < < "\thex u: " < hex < u < "; u > 2: " < ( u < < < < > < < ’\n’; < } } 37 6.11 Casts ∗ so the signed value 0xfffffff0 (−16) shifted right two places is 0xfffffffc Use of bitwise operators • Use the AND operator ‘&’ to clear individual bits, leaving the others unchanged – For example, x = x & 0xf; 38 will clear all but the least significant four bits of x (n> 2) > > 2) > (u> 2) > > 2) > • Use the OR operator ‘|’ to set individual bits, leaving the others unchanged – For example, y = y | ˜0xf ; will set all bits except for the least significant four bits of y • Use the Exlusive OR operator ‘^’ to toggle (flip) individual bits, leaving the others unchanged – For example, Right Shift Operator: example output • output of program shiftright-demo.cpp (folded to fit): dec n: -16; n >> 2: -4 hex n: 0xfffffff0; n >> 2: 0xfffffffc dec u: 4294967280; u >> 2: 1073741820 hex u: 0xfffffff0; u >> 2: 0x3ffffffc dec n: 16; n >> 2: 4 hex n: 0x10; n >> 2: 0x4 dec u: 16; u >> 2: 4 hex u: 0x10; u >> 2: 0x4 dec n: -1; n >> 2: -1 hex n: 0xffffffff; n >> 2: 0xffffffff dec u: 4294967295; u >> 2: 1073741823 hex u: 0xffffffff; u >> 2: 0x3fffffff dec n: 1; n >> 2: 0 hex n: 0x1; n >> 2: 0 dec u: 1; u >> 2: 0 hex u: 0x1; u >> 2: 0 • Notice that when shifted right: – unsigned values have the upper two bits zero ∗ so the unsigned value 0xfffffff0 shifted right by two is 0x3ffffffc – signed values have the upper two bits the same as the previous value of the MSb (most significant bit) z = z ^ 0xf; will toggle the least significant four bits of z, i.e., make 1s ↔ 0s 6.11 Casts Cast expressions • The cast operation returns the value of an expression, converting it to the type in the brackets • Example: ( float ) 7 – This converts the integer 7 to a floating point value, 7.00. • The operand may be any expression – Examples: ( int ) ( 5.8 * 2.7 ) ( double ) ( k = 10 ) ( float ) num 6.11 Casts • If a floating point value is cast to an integer, the floating point fraction is lost. – Example: ( int ) 3.75 39 7. Statements 40 7 Statements • A C program is a sequence of declarations and statements. • We have seen: – how to declare variables, and – how to create expressions using operators – examples of putting this all together. • Now let’s look at statements. Statements: an introduction – resulting value is 3 • Casts overide the compiler’s concept of correctness — use rarely Conversions • Expressions can include operands of different number types • Example: An integer can be multiplied by a float. • C handled operands of different types by converting one of them into the same type as that of the other operand. • Conversion determines which operand to convert by a process of promotion and demotion. Conversions: promotion • In expressions with two different types of operands, the operand with the smaller type is always promoted to that of the largest type. • Example: int num = 6; float cost; cost = num * 5; Statements: intro — 2 • We can turn an expression such as x = 0 or std::cout < "a" into a statement simply < by putting a semicolon at the end: x = 0; std::cout < "a"; < • We can join these into a compound statement by putting braces { } around them. • There are some which are used to create loops and make decisions. These are sometimes called control-flow statements. 7.1 Simple Statements Expression statements • An expression statement consists of any valid expression, followed by a semicolon. • Often the expression is an assignment operation or a function call. • Example: count = 8; num = 3 + 4; calc(); • The expression num * 5 results in the integer 30 and will be promoted to a float, 30.0 before assigned into the cost variable. Conversions: demotion • Demotion from a floating point type to an integer type results in the loss of the floating point’s fraction. • Example: int num; float cost = 62.65; num = cost; • However, the expression could just as easily be an arithmetic expression or relational expression. • Example: 4 + 5; // nothing done with the result, 9. ( n < 3 ); • The fraction will be cut off, leaving just the integer, 62. The value 62 is then assigned to the variable num. 7.2 Compound Statements Null statement (empty statement) 41 7.3 Scope 42 • If there is no expression in the expression statement, nothing happens. This is called as the null statement. • Example: ; // just a semicolon 7.2 Compound Statements Compound Statements • A compound statement is a statement composed of one or more statements. • A compound statement consists of opening and closing braces within which statements are placed. • Example: { num = 6; fact = ( 5 − 3 ); std::cout < fact < ", " < num < ’\n’; < < < < } #include int main( void ) { int num = 10; float cost = 100.0; { float cost = 50.0; num = 5; std::cout < "Inside: " < cost < < < < < ", " < num < ’\n’; < } std::cout < "Outside: " < cost < < < < < ", " < num < ’\n’; < } • Output of program blocks.cpp: Inside: 50, 5 Outside: 100, 5 7.3 Scope Scope • A new scope is created in each block • the compiler searches for an identifier defined in the innermost scope first • then searches the scopes that the enclose current scope. . . • . . . until it reaches global scope – global scope is outside of any block Blocks — 1 • Variables can be declared at the beginning of compound statement. A compound statement with variable declarations is referred to as a block. • The body of a function is a compound statement itself, and is often referred to as the function block. Program blocks.cpp • identifiers defined in an inner scope “hide” identifiers defined in an outer scope • For example, in program blocks.cpp, there are two variables called cost in different nested scopes – The inner output statement prints the value of the cost variable defined in the inner scope – The outer output statement prints the cost defined in the outer scope. 7.4 Looping Statements 43 7.6 do statement 44 7.4 Looping Statements Iteration statements • Loops are implemented with three iteration statements: – while – do – for • Each statement repeats a statement called the body of the loop • The body of the loop can be any statement, including: – compound statement, or – another loop, or – a null statement. 7.6 do statement Iteration Statements — do loop • The do statement is a variation on the while statement. • Instead of the test occurring at the beginning of the loop, it occurs at the end, • Example: i = 0; do { std::cout < "abc\n"; < ++i; // loop counter } while ( i < 4 ); Program square-1.cpp #include 7.5 while Statement while statement • while loop consists of the keyword while, a test expression in parentheses, and a statement. • statement is repeated for as long as the test expression evaluates to a non-zero value. while ( test expression ) statement ; • Example: i = 0; // initialize the loop counter while ( i < 5 ) { < std::cout < "ABC "; ++i; // update the loop counter // very important // the loop becomes infinite } // without this statement that // changes the loop counter } int main( void ) { int num; std::cout < "Enter a number: "; < std::cin > num; > while ( num != 0 ) { int square = num * num; std::cout < "Square of " < num < < < " = " < square < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "Enter a number (0 to quit): "; < std::cin > num; > } • This program has a major problem. • What happens if we input a character that is not part of an integer? 7.7 Avoid Confusing == with = Test Expression • The test expression for the while, for, and if statements can be any valid expression, • Example: 7.7 Avoid Confusing == with = – assignment operation – simple primary expression consisting of a variable or a constant • A zero result evaluated is considered to be false while any non-zero result is true. Traps with = and == • Don’t confuse comparison with assignment in a test expression. while ( i = k ) { ... } • If k equals 0, the test will always be false • If k is not equal to zero, the test will always be true. • Examples of incorrect test expressions: while ( n = 0 ) { while ( n = 3 ) { /* always false */ 45 7.8 Using a constant or single variable as a test condition 46 #include /* This program shows problems that come from confusing assignment with comparison */ int main( void ) { int quit = 0, num = 1, square; while ( quit = 0 ) // Oh dear; always false { // the loop body will never be executed square = num * num; < < std::cout < "Square of " < num < " = " < square < ’\n’; < < < if ( num = 10 ) // Oh dear; always true quit = 1; num++; } } ... } ... } /* always true, an infinite loop */ • The correct way to write these test expressions is: while ( n == 0 ) { ... } while ( n == 3 ) { ... } Program quit-1.cpp 7.8 Using a constant or single variable as a test condition Using a constant or single variable as a test condition • Constants are often used to write infinite loops. • Variables are used as a shorthand for comparing the value of the variable to zero. • Example: while ( 1 ) while ( 0 ) while ( i ) // infinite loop // never execute loop // is equivalent to while ( i != 0 ) // Program square-2.cpp 7.9 while and the null statement 47 7.10 for Statement 48 7.10 for Statement #include int main( void ) { int num; while ( 1 ) { // or for (;;) std::cout < "Please enter a number: "; < if ( ! ( std::cin > num ) ) > break; int square = num * num; std::cout < "Square of " < num < < < " = " < square < ’\n’; < < < char ch; std::cout < "Another square? (y/n) "; < if ( std::cin > ch && ch != ’y’ ) > break; } } The for Statement • The for statement consists of three expressions followed by a statement. for ( expression 1 ; expression 2 ; expression 3 ) statement ; • expression 1 is executed once, before loop begins. It is often used to initialize variables used in the test expression. • expression 2 is the test expression for the loop. When it evaluates as false, the loop stops. • expression 3 update expression. It is executed within the loop and is usually used to update variables used in the test expression. Example of for loop for ( int i = 1; i < 3; ++i ) { std::cout < "OK\n"; < } 7.9 while and the null statement while test and null statement • A while statement can be written in which the test expression does all the work. The statement following the test expression is simply a null statement. • Example: while ( std::cin.get( ch ) && ch != ’\n’ ) ; // do nothing 7.11 Comparing while and for for and while: a comparison for loop: for ( init ; test ; update ) { body of loop } while loop: init ; while ( test ) { body of loop update ; } example: int i = 0; while ( i < 3 ) { std::cout < "loop " < i < < < ’\n’; < ++i; } • Three actions take place in the above example: – function call to the istream member function get() – std::cin.get( ch ) will return false if reach end of input file; – inequality operation in which character value obtained by std::cin.get() is tested against a newline constant. • End result is that we wait till we get a newline character, or end of file example: for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) std::cout < "loop " < i < < < ’\n’; < 7.12 if and switch Statements Nested loops — loop within a loop • The inner loop executes fully within each iteration of the outer loop • Example: for ( int k = 0, i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) { ++k ; std::cout < k < ’ ’; < < } std::cout < ’\n’; < } 49 7.13 break, continue, goto • Only one action is performed • the first that matches is done. The switch statement — 1 50 • The switch statement provides a convenient way to choose among several alternatives. • It is a conditional statement (selection) switch ( integer expression ) { case integer : statements ; break; case integer : statements ; break; default: statements ; break; } The switch statement — 2 • The switch compares an integer value against a set of integer constants. • The execution will continue unless a break is encountered. • See example program nested-for.cpp • Output: 123 456 789 7.12 if and switch Statements Conditions: if statement • The if and switch statements are decision making structures that determine which statements are to be executed and which are not. • if is a condition placed on a statement’s execution. – if the condition is true, the statement is executed – if the condition is false, the statement is not executed if ( test expression ) statement ; if and else • The if statement can choose between several choices using else: if ( condition ) { doThis(); } else if ( condition 2 ) { doThat(); } else { doTheOther(); } 7.13 break, continue, goto The jump Statements • The jump statements are non-structured control statements that allow the program to jump across statements. • Strickly speaking, these are not allowed in structured programming. • However, break and continue are especially useful. • break and continue statements are used with while, for, and switch statements. • break provides an exit condition other than that of the statement’s test expression. 7.14 Exercises Example of use of continue • Kernighan and Ritchie provide this example of using continue: 51 8. Functions 52 2. Save your source to a different file name, but replace all the ifs (except the first) to else ifs. 3. Run your two programs and compare the output. for ( i = 0; i < n; ++n ) { if ( a[ i ] < 0 ) // skip negative elements continue; // do positive elements } 4. Write a program contianing a while loop and a for loop that both output data and do the same thing. 8 Functions • A big program may be too complex to hold in your head. • I need a way to break a big problem into many small, easy-to-understand problems. • One way to break a problem into small problems is to divide a problem into small parts that can be written as functions. • A function is a number of statements that: – Perform one easily-understood job – are given a single name. • A function is a little bit like a simple IC, with input pins and output pins. • See also my example program cat.cpp goto: use it seldom • goto and label statements allow the program to jump to any statement. • Using goto can cause the program to become very hard to understand • Use it only when you really have to – An example is to break out of a nested loop from the inner loop for ( i = small; i < big; ++i ) for ( j = small2; j < bigger ; ++j ) if ( i == j ) goto equal; equal: Functions — 1 Functions — 2 • A function may have inputs and outputs: • equal here is a label 7.14 Exercises 1. Write a program using the following code fragment as a guide: int i = 10; if ( i > 0 ) std::cout if ( i > 1 ) std::cout if ( i > 2 ) std::cout // . . . if ( i > 10 ) std::cout else std::cout x sin() y < "i > 0\n"; < < "i > 1\n"; < < "i > 2\n"; < • The function call: y = sin( x ); can be represented by the block diagram above. < "i > 10\n"; < < "something else\n"; < • The inputs go in the parentheses: () • The output of the function can be assigned, as above. 8.1 Defining Functions Functions — 3 • To write and use functions in your program, there are two things to consider: 53 8.3 Using return Value from Functions 54 // Program to call a function #include // function definition: void calc( void ) { std::cout < "Now in Calc\n"; < } int main( void ) { std::cout < "Hello World\n"; < calc(); std::cout < "Now in Main\n"; < } • When you define the function, you write the statements that the function will perform when it is called. • When you want to use the function, we say we call the function. 8.1 Defining Functions Function definition • A function definition consists of a header and a body. • header contains the function name, its return type, and parameter types. • The body of a function is a block, which usually contains variable declarations and statements. return type { function_name ( parameter list variable definitions ; . . . statements ; } • Example: void calc( void ) { int num; num = 5; } ) 8.3 Using return Value from Functions Functions as expressions • A function call is an expression whose value is the function’s return value. • Program calc-2.cpp #include float calc( void ) { return 8.0 * 5.35; } int main( void ) { float res1 = calc(); float res2 = 7 + 5 * calc(); if ( calc() > 5 ) std::cout < "Larger\n"; < < < std::cout < "res1 = " < res1 < ", res2 = " < res2 < ’\n’; < < < } 8.2 Calling Functions Function definition and call Program nowincal.cpp 8.3 Using return Value from Functions return statement and function return value 55 8.3 Using return Value from Functions Program retbad-1.cpp #include short getnum( void ) { long num = 2147483647L; std::cout < "Number is " < num < ’\n’; < < < return num; } int main( void ) { long res = getnum(); // return value inconsistency std::cout < "result is " < res < ’\n’; < < < } 56 • The return statement consists of the keyword return, an expression, and a semicolon. • Syntax: return expression ; • The expression is called the return expression. • return statement will: – end the processing of a function – make execution continue from where the function was called, and – specify the function’s return value. Function return value: example Program calc-3.cpp #include // Example of a function that takes // parameters float calc( int num, float calc rate ) { return calc rate * num; } int main( void ) { float rate = 2.0; float res = calc( 5, rate ); std::cout < "res = " < res < ’\n’; < < < } • Output for program retbad-1.cpp: Number is 2147483647 result is -1 Program retbad-2.c #include calc( void ) { /* return type missing */ /* gives return type inconsistency */ /* legal in C */ /* Illegal in C++, won’t compile */ float cost = 8.0 * 5.35; return cost; } Return inconsistencies • Return value inconsistencies: occur when the return expression has a type different from the function’s return type. • The return expression is what comes between the keyword return and the semicolon. • The return type is what is written before the name of the function in a function definition. int main( void ) { float res1; res1 = calc(); printf ( "%f\n", res1 ); } • Output from program retbad-2.c: 42.000000 8.4 Function Parameters 57 9. Arrays – the second parameter is called b. • In the function call, float y = mult( x, 4.5 ); // function call 58 8.4 Function Parameters Function parameters • Functions may have zero or more parameters. • Parameters are usually the inputs to the function. • Parameters appear in the parentheses after the name of the function, both in the function definition and in the function call. • The type and number of parameters must match in: – function definition, and – function call. Function parameters — 2 • In this example the parameters match • Program funcmult.cpp #include float mult( int a, float b ) { return a * b; } int main( void ) { int x = 3; float y = mult( x, 4.5 ); // function call std::cout < "y = " < y < ’\n’; < < < } – the value of x is copied to a, the value 4.5 is copied into b. – The type of the parameter in the function call matches the type of the parameter in the same position in the function definition. – This is like pins on an IC plugging into the holes in the IC socket. 9 Arrays • An array is a collection of objects, all of the same data type. • Any one data type can be used in an array. – an array of integers – an arrary of characters – an array of structures – an array of pointers • The declaration of an array reserves memory, which is then managed by pointers (to be discussed in next section). • Array objects themselves are actually referenced through pointer indirection. Arrays 9.1 Defining Arrays Array declaration Function parameters — 3 • In the function definition of mult(): float mult( int a, float b ) { return a * b; } • An array declaration consists of 4 parts – the data type – array name, – square brackets around the. . . – . . . number of objects in the array – the first parameter is called a. 9.1 Defining Arrays Arrays — 2 • The declaration below declares an array of 5 integers. The array name is mynums int mynums[ 5 ]; 59 9.2 Arrays and Loops Array references and array notation 60 • Once an array has been declared, its objects can be referenced and used in expressions. • The array name, together with the position of an object in the array is used to reference an object. • The objects in an array are arranged in sequence, starting from zero. The number of an object’s place in that sequence is referred to as either the object’s index or subscript. • In the example above, we can see mynums[ mynums[ mynums[ mynums[ mynums[ 0 1 2 3 4 ] ] ] ] ] = = = = = 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; // // // // // first object second object third object fourth object fifth object • Many different kinds of arrays may be declared, each having its own data type and number objects. int total[10]; char name[40]; an array of ten integers (i.e. total[0], total[1], . . . total[9]) an array of forty characters (i.e. name[0], name[1], . . . name[39]) Array initialisation • When a variable is defined it can be initialised with a value. In the declaration: char mychar = ’E’; 9.2 Arrays and Loops Array management and loops • Operations cannot be performed on an array as a whole. • To assign a set of values to an array, you need to assign a value to each element individually. • An array is only a collection of objects. It is not an object itself. We use loops to process all these objects. • Program arrayprt.cpp #include int main( void ) { int nums[ ] = { 23, 8, 11, 31 }; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { std::cout < nums[ i ] < ’ ’; < < } < std::cout < ’\n’; } • the variable mychar is initialised with the character ’E’. • The elements of an array can also be initialised in an array declaration. The initalisation values are listed within curly braces and separated by commas: int mynums[ 5 ] = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, }; Array Length • When using standard C, the initialization part of the array declaration can be used be left out of the array declarations. The number is, instead, determined by the number of values in the initialisation block. • Program array-1.cpp #include int main( void ) { char letters[ ] = { ’A’, ’B’, ’C’, }; int totals[ ] = { 23, 8, 11, 31, }; std::cout < letters[ 1 ] < ’ ’; < < std::cout < totals[ 3 ] < ’\n’; < < } Array Management and Loops — 2 • A common rule of thumb is that the test for the end of an array is the less than operator, <, tested against the number of objects declared in the array. 9.3 Exercise • Example: this for loop prints each number in the array: int nums[ 4 ] = { 42, 1000, 7, 103 }; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) std::cout < "this num is " < nums[ i ] < ’\n’; < < < 61 9.4 Strings • Note that the string definitions str and letters are equivalent. 62 • Note that a string is automatically ended with a special character called the null character, ’\0’ Arrays of characters: strings — 2 • Because the string has the extra ’\0’ character at the end, the array of characters must be long enough to hold it. • Example: char string2[ ] = "string"; Using constants for array size • In the listing below, the same symbolic constant, max, is used in both the array declaration and the test for the last array object in the for statement. #include const int max = 4; int main( void ) { int mynums[ max ] = { 23, 8, 11, 31 }; for ( int i = 0; i < max; ++i ) std::cout < mynums[ i ] < ’ ’; < < std::cout < ’\n’; < } • . . . has seven characters, so this would be wrong: char string3[ 6 ] = "string"; // too short! • but these are okay: char string4[ 7 ] = "string"; char string5[ 100 ] = "string"; 9.3 Exercise Write a program that: 1. Reads up to 20 numbers into an array; 2. After reading those numbers, the program calculates and prints the sum of the numbers in the array. 3. Note that your program should stop attempting to read numbers when there are no more numbers to read, i.e., because you have reached end of file, or a character is in the input that cannot be part of a number. Careful: strings cf. characters • A common mistake is to confuse a string with a character. • Example: char c; // Wrong! c = "A"; A character has single quotes: ’A’ 9.4 Strings Arrays of characters: strings • A string is an array of characters. • Here are examples of definitions of strings: char name[ 20 ]; char string[ ] = "This is a string"; char str [ 10 ] = "string"; char letters[ 10 ] = { ’s’, ’t’, ’r’, ’i’, ’n’, ’g’, ’\0’ }; • The string "A" is actually two characters: ’A’ then ’\0’. • One final note: do not assign strings! char str [ 100 ]; str = "this is a string"; /* Oh no, a mistake! Use strcpy () library function instead. */ strcpy ( str, "this is a string" ); // OK 10. Pointers Working with strings 63 10.1 Pointers as Function Parameters • There are 3 elements involved in this referencing process: – a pointer variable – an address – and another variable Pointer holds address • A pointer variable holds the address of another variable of a particular type • Program pointer-1.cpp 64 • The standard C++ strings library is the best choice for simplicity, but the Borland 3.1 compiler does not seem to support it • The standard library that comes with (nearly) every C compiler provides lots of functions for working with strings. • To use them, put: #include • at the top of your program. • Here are some: • strlen() — give the length of a string • strcpy () — copy one string to another string • strcmp() — compare two strings • strcat() — join one string onto the end of another Working with strings 2 • Example using strlen(): int len; len = strlen( "a string" ); // len = 8 #include int main( void ) { int num = 12; int *nptr ; nptr = # < < std::cout < "num holds " < num < " and nptr points to " < *nptr < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "The address held in nptr is " < nptr < < < ’\n’; < } • Output of program pointer-1.cpp: num holds 12 and nptr points to 12 The address held in nptr is 0xbfafade8 • Example using strcpy (): char str1[ 100 ], str2[ ] = "a string"; strcpy ( str1, str2 ); 10.1 Pointers as Function Parameters Pointers as Function Parameters • If you try to write a function to swap its parameters like this: 10 Pointers Pointers • Any object defined in a program can be referenced through its address. A pointer is a variable that has as its value the address of an object. • A pointer is used as a referencing mechanism. • A pointer provides a way to reference an object using that object’s address. void swap( int x, int y ) { int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; } and call it like this: swap( a, b );, the values of a and b are copied by value, so the final values are not changed. 11. Arrays and Pointers 65 11.1 Strong relationship between arrays and pointers C Arrays and pointers 66 • The right way is to pass the address of a and b like this: swap( &a, &b ); and define the function like this: void swap( int *x, int *y ) { int temp = *x; *x = *y ; *y = temp; } • The name of an array is the same as the location of the first element, so these two statements are equivalent: pa = &a[ 0 ]; pa = a; • These statements are also true: a[ i ] == *( a + i ); &a[ i ] == a + i; • This is how to change the value of a parameter. 11 Arrays and Pointers 11.1 Strong relationship between arrays and pointers C Arrays are very low level • Pointers and arrays have a strong relationship • Any operation using array subscripting can be done using pointers • If we define an array of integers and a pointer to an integer like this: int a[ 10 ]; int *pa; • An expression made of an array and index has an equivalent expression made with a pointer and offset. • Important: we can do ++pa; // okay; now pa points to a[ 1 ] • . . . but not: ++a; // compiler error • . . . because an array name is a constant, but an ordinary pointer is not. Passing arrays to functions and if we make pa point to the start of the array a[ ] like this: pa = &a[ 0 ]; • If a parameter is an array name, inside the function it is a pointer to the first element of the array • If you find the size of an array with sizeof, you are given the number of elements × the size of one element • Inside a function, the size of an array parameter is the size of a pointer. • See program array-parameter.cpp. • Note that the sizeof operator gives the number of characters in either a type or an expression: • sizeof( T ) gives the number of characters in the type T • sizeof expression gives the number of characters in the expression expression. then the value of *pa is the same as is stored in a[ 0 ]. • The pointer pa + 1 points to the value of a[ 1 ], so this statement is true: *( pa + 1 ) == a[ 1 ] • If we add ‘1’ to a pointer, we point to the address just after the value stored at that pointer. – If sizeof( int ) is 4, and if addresses each hold one character, then the address pa + 1 is 4 address locations higher than the address pa. – The type of the pointer determines what address you get when you increment a pointer. • similarly *( pa + i ) == a[ i ] is true. 11.1 Strong relationship between arrays and pointers Program array-parameter.cpp #include int ar [ 10 ] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; void check array parameter ( int a[ ] ) { std::cout < "sizeof( a ) = " < sizeof( a ) < ’\n’; < < < < < < std::cout < "sizeof( ar ) = " < sizeof( ar ) < ’\n’; } int main( void ) { check array parameter ( ar ); int nelements = sizeof( ar ) / sizeof ar [ 0 ]; std::cout < "sizeof( ar ) = " < sizeof( ar ) < ’\n’ < < < < "number of elements in ar[ ] is " < nelements < < < ’\n’; < } 67 12. Multidimensional Arrays and arrays of pointers 68 • If the length of the array passed to mean() is 100, then that number must be passed as a separate parameter. 12 Multidimensional Arrays and arrays of pointers 12.1 Arrays of pointers Arrays of pointers • Arrays of pointers are very commonly used in C, because this gives much greater flexibility than alternatives (see slide §71) • Can easily sort an array of pointers; copy only the address, not the data • Can define an array of pointers to lines like this: const int maxlines 10000; char *line[ maxlines ]; • Output of array-parameter.cpp sizeof( a ) = 4 sizeof( ar ) = 40 sizeof( ar ) = 40 number of elements in ar[] is 10 Passing arrays to functions — 3 • To work properly, you need to pass the length of an array as a separate parameter together with the array. • Example: double mean( int nums[ ], int len ) { int sum = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { sum += nums[ i ]; } if ( len == 0 ) return 0; return ( double ) sum / len; } • We must make sure that we allocate memory using the new operator for this as we read lines. 12.2 Memory Allocation Allocating memory with new • If we don’t know how much data we will read, we need to allocate memory as we need it – The new operator allocates memory as it is needed – deallocate (free) memory with the delete operator • If allocating a scalar value, use syntax like this: pointer = new type ; and free the memory like this: delete pointer ; • if allocating an array or string, use syntax like this: • Note that it makes no difference to write the parameter as int nums[ 100 ], since that length information will not be passed to the function as part of the int nums[ 100 ] parameter pointer = new type [ length ]; 12.2 Memory Allocation and free the memory like this: delete [] pointer ; • the result from new is a null pointer if the memory cannot be allocated. – Always check the return value of new Example use of new: Program new-1.cpp • Program new-1.cpp does the following: – dynamically allocate an array of ten integers – terminate if allocation doesn’t succeed – put a value into each element of the array – print each value – free up the memory #include #include int main( void ) { const int maxn = 10; int *a = new int[ maxn ]; if ( a == NULL ) { std::cerr < "Out of memory!\n"; < exit( 1 ); } for ( int i = 0; i < maxn; ++i ) a[ i ] = i + 1; for ( int i = 0; i < maxn; ++i ) < < < std::cout < "a[ " < i < " ] = " < < a[ i ] < ’\n’; < delete [ ] a; } 69 12.2 Memory Allocation 70 #include #include // Read all of input into memory. // at a time, as we read it. Normally we would process one line // Read each line into a string // allocate memory for the string and copy the string into that memory // add the newly allocated string to an array of pointers int read lines( char *lines[ ], int maxnlines ) { const int maxlinelen = 8000; char line[ maxlinelen ]; int nlines = 0; while ( std::cin.getline( line, maxlinelen ) ) { int len = std::cin.gcount(); // includes space for ’\0’ char *p; if ( nlines >= maxnlines | | ( p = new char[ len ] ) == NULL ) { return −1; } else { strcpy ( p, line ); lines[ nlines++ ] = p; } } return nlines; } Program new.cpp— 2 Program new.cpp— 1 12.3 Multidimensional Arrays 71 12.4 Command Line Arguments: argc, argv • Note that this is wrong, and just uses the comma operator: 72 void write lines( char *lines[ ], int nlines ) { while ( nlines−− > 0 ) std::cout < *lines++ < ’\n’; < < } void free lines( char *lines[ ], int nlines ) { while ( nlines−− > 0 ) delete [ ] *lines++; } int main( void ) { const int maxlines = 10000; char *line[ maxlines ]; int nlines = read lines( line, maxlines ); if ( nlines >= 0 ) { write lines( line, nlines ); free lines( line, nlines ); } else { std::cerr < "Input is too big to read\n"; < } } int entry = matrix[ 1, 2 ]; // WRONG!!! % 12.4 Command Line Arguments: argc, argv argc and argv • The main() function takes two optional parameters that are always called argc and argv : int main( int argc, char *argv [ ] ) • parameter argc is the number of arguments on the command line including the program name • parameter argv is a pointer to an array of command line arguments • if the program echo is called like this: echo this is a test • then argc is 5, argv [ 0 ] is "echo", argv [ 1 ] is "this", argv [ 2 ] is "is", argv [ 3 ] is "a", argv [ 4 ] is "test" and finally argv [ 5 ] is the null pointer. Program echo.cpp 12.3 Multidimensional Arrays Multidimensional Arrays • Not used as much as arrays of pointers • Usually we allocate memory with new for each string int matrix[ 2 ][ 4 ] = { { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 10, 20, 30, 40 } }; • The program echo.cpp: #include int main( int argc, char *argv [ ] ) { for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) std::cout < argv [ i ] < ’ ’; < < std::cout < ’\n’; < } defines a rectangular matrix. • We can access the entry with the value 30 with int entry = matrix[ 1 ][ 2 ]; • prints its parameters, like the echo command in the Windows CMD.EXE shell, or like the echo command built into the bash shell that is popular with Linux. 13. Structures 73 13.1 Passing Structures to Functions • We could initialise our struct employee like this: struct employee person = { 8, 80000 }; 74 13 Structures Structures — 1 • A structure consists of a set of data objects that can be referenced as one object. struct tag name { list of declarations }; • A tag can be used to label a structure type declaration. In the structure type declaration, the keyword struct may be followed with a tag placed before the opening brace of the declaration list, • Example: struct employee { int id; float salary ; }; • After this, person will contain the same values as in the next slide. Structures: Program struct.cpp #include int main( void ) { struct employee { int id; float salary ; }; struct employee person; = 8; person.salary = 80000; std::cout < "ID = " < < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "Salary = $" < person.salary < ’\n’; < < < } Defining struct variables • We can define a variable person of the type struct employee like this: 13.1 Passing Structures to Functions struct employee { int id; float salary ; }; // somewhere else: struct employee person; Accessing a structure through a pointer • Given a pointer to a struct declared as: struct employee { int id; float salary ; }; struct employee person; struct employee *p = &person; • We can now refer to the two values in the variable person as and person.salary Initialising struct variables • We can initialise a structure when it is defined by putting a list of values in braces, as we do for arrays • The first item in that list initialises the first element of the structure, • the second item initialises the second element of the structure, • ... • we could access the members with the arrow operator ‘−>’ like this: p−>id = 8; p−>salary = 80000; std::cout < "ID = " < p−>id < ’\n’; < < < std::cout < "Salary = $" < p−>salary < ’\n’; < < < 13.1 Passing Structures to Functions 75 13.2 typedef 76 • There is nothing magic about the “−>” operator; it is just a shorthand used, because we often access members of structures through pointers • Note that “p−>id” is equivalent to “(*p).id ”, and “p−>salary ” is equivalent to “(*p).salary ”. Passing Structures to Functions • Unlike arrays, structures are passed to functions by value • That means that your function only gets a copy of the structure. • If you want to modify the original structure, you need to either: – return the modified structure, or – pass a pointer to the structure. Passing Structures: example Here we use the struct employee defined previously. Passing structure by value struct employee raise salary ( struct employee p, float raise ) { p.salary += raise; return p; } // in another function: struct employee manager = { 50, 100000 }; manager = raise salary ( manager, 20000 ); #include struct complex { int re; int im; }; complex cadd( complex z1, complex z2 ) { complex zt; = +; = +; return zt; } int main( void ) { complex za; = 1; = 2; complex zb = za; complex zc = cadd( za, zb ); std::cout < " = " < < < < ", = " < < ’\n’; < < < } Output of program complex.cpp: = 2, = 4 Passing a pointer to structure: void raise salary ( struct employee *p, float raise ) { p−>salary += raise; } // in another function: struct employee manager = { 50, 100000 }; raise salary ( &manager, 20000 ); 13.2 typedef typedef • A typedef is used to allow the programmer to give another name to a type. • typedef type NAME ; defines NAME as a new name for the existing type type • Example: Structures: Program complex.cpp typedef float FF ; // FF is now a type FF abc; // equivalent to float abc; • Often typedef is used with struct variables to avoid needing to type the word “struct” 14. Reading and Writing Files – I do not encourage you to do this. 77 14.3 Binary files 78 – See and search for “typedef is evil” at section 3.5. 14 Reading and Writing Files 14.1 fstream: file input and output Text Files — ifstreamand ofstream • We work with text files much the same way as with standard input and standard output • Open a file for input — ifstream • Open a file for output — ofstream • when the fstream object goes out of scope, the file is automatically closed #include #include // . . . std::ifstream fin( "" ); if ( ! fin ) { std::cerr < "error: unable to open file " < < "’’ for reading\n"; < exit( 1 ); } std::ofstream fout( "data.out" ); if ( ! fout ) { < std::cerr < "error: unable to open file " < "’data.out’ for writing\n"; < exit( 1 ); } 14.2 Error Handling If cannot open a file, what next? • If you fail to create an ifstream object (perhaps the file does not exist), the object evaluates as false • It is always essential to test the result of things that can go wrong, and provide an error message or return an error code • If things have gone wrong, it may be better to stop the program using the exit() command. • Note: #include when you use exit(). Text Files — 7 Appending to files • To append to a file, use the extra parameter std::ios::app when defining the ofstream object: #include #include // . . . std::ofstream fout( "data.out", std::ios::app ); if ( ! fout ) { std::cerr < "error: unable to open file " < < "’data.out’ for appending\n"; < exit( 1 ); } • There are a number of other parameters available. • OR them together with the bitwise OR operator “|” 14.3 Binary files Binary files — 1 • To open a file for binary input or output, use the extra parameter std::ios::binary when defining the ofstream or ifstream object: 14.4 Character I/O 79 14.5 Reading a Line at a time: getline() • Program copy-file-to-output.cpp: 80 #include #include // . . . std::ofstream fout( "data.out", std::ios::app | std::ios::binary ); if ( ! fout ) { std::cerr < "error: unable to open binary file " < < "’data.out’ for appending\n"; < exit( 1 ); } • Here we open a binary file for input: #include #include // . . . std::ifstream fin( "", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary ); if ( ! fin ) { std::cerr < "error: unable to open binary file " < < "’’ for reading\n"; < exit( 1 ); } #include #include #include int main( void ) { char ch; std::ifstream fin( "abc.txt" ); if ( ! fin ) { std::cerr < "Cannot open file abc.txt\n"; < exit( 1 ); } // skips whitespace. // while ( fin > ch ) > // std::cout < ch; < while ( fin.get( ch ) ) std::cout.put( ch ); } Character I/O with Text Files — 2 • Program copyfile.cpp #include #include #include int main( void ) { char ch; std::ifstream fin( "abc.txt" ); std::ofstream fout( "mmm.txt" ); if ( ! fin | | ! fout ) { std::cerr < "Problem opening files\n"; < exit( 1 ); } // The following skips white space: // while ( fin > ch ) > // fout < ch; < while ( fin.get( ch ) ) fout.put( ch ); } Binary files — 2 • Here we open a binary file for output: #include #include // . . . std::ofstream fout( "data.out", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary ); if ( ! fout ) { < std::cerr < "error: unable to open binary file " < "’data.out’ for writing\n"; < exit( 1 ); } 14.4 Character I/O Character Input and Output • We can treat a file as a stream of characters. The istream member function get() and the ostream member function put() read and write one character at a time. 14.5 Reading a Line at a time: getline() Working with Lines in Text Files 14.6 I/O of other data to/from Text Files • We often want to work with one line of a text file at a time 81 15. Guidelines Reading other data from Text Files — 2 82 • the istream member function getline() reads from a file and places it in a string or character array, without the ending newline. std::cin.getline( string or character array , maximum length ); • We can read formatted text from text files just as we can from standard input with std::cin • Program filein.cpp: #include #include #include int main( void ) { int num; std::ifstream fin( "abc.txt" ); if ( ! fin ) { std::cerr < "Cannot open abc.txt\n"; < exit( 1 ); } > fin > num; std::cout < "we got ’" < num < < < "’ from abc.txt\n"; < } • getline() returns false if there is any error. Program copy-lines-from-file.cpp : #include #include #include int main( void ) { const int maxline = 100; char line[ maxline ]; std::ifstream fin( "abc.txt" ); if ( ! fin ) { std::cerr < "Cannot open file abc.txt\n"; < exit( 1 ); } while ( fin.getline( line, maxline ) ) std::cout < line < ’\n’; < < } 15 Guidelines 15.1 Style Guidelines Program layout: rules of thumb 14.6 I/O of other data to/from Text Files Reading other data from Text Files — 1 • We can write formatted text to text files just as we can to standard output with std::cout • Program fileout.cpp #include #include int main( void ) { int num = 127; std::ofstream fout( "abc.txt" ); fout < num; < std::cout < "Wrote ’" < num < < < "’ to abc.txt\n"; < } • Use spaces after commas, around operators, • Example: printf ( "%d", i ); not printf ("%d",i); and x = x + 3; not x=x+3; 15.2 Program Design • I suggest you put your main() function last. 83 15.3 Modules Program design: top-down • Top-down design looks at the big picture first, forgetting the details. 84 – avoids the need to put “function prototypes” that need unnecessary extra maintainance • Use modern books about C, not very old ones. • Indent your program to make it easy to follow. • Indent the body of loops and if statements. • Write pseudocode including only these important, big steps, leaving out small steps at first. This is like your main() function. • Write more pseudocode for each of these big steps, giving more detail, but not the smallest details. These are written rather like function definitions. • For each step, write out more pseudocode like more function definitions, until you have enough detail to begin writing your source code. • Check your design carefully before you move on. 15.2 Program Design Program design • “Real” programs need to be designed; they may be too complicated to hold in your head all at one time. • Sitting at the keyboard and typing a program as you think it up may work for small programs, but bigger programs written this way will become very messy and expensive to maintain. – The result is rather like a rough sketch to try out ideas. – You may want to start again after the experience you get from this “sketch” • The greatest cost for a program is usually in maintaining it. • Flowcharts: – are okay for simple programs – are good for representing complicated, unstructured looping and branching – But: a flowchart can easily become more complicated than the program itself! Pseudocode: a basic design tool • Pseudocode is a more practical way to show how your program will work. • Pseudocode is a mixture of: English and structured C programming statements, such as if, while, do. • Pseudocode should be simpler and easier to understand than the final program source code • Pseudocode should be written before you type in your new program! 15.3 Modules Making an application from many modules • Most useful C or C++ programs are written in separate modules • Each module corresponds to: – one .c, .C, .cc, .cpp, or .cxx file (lets call this the source file), and – one .h, .H, .hh, or .hpp file (we call this the header file). • Each header file lists the publicly exported names: type definitions, global variables, and function prototypes – Avoid defining variables or functions in header files • It makes this set of names as small as possible to reduce the interaction between modules • All non-public functions defined in the source files are defined with the keyword static so that they cannot be linked to from other modules. Modules — silly example main.cpp: 15.3 Modules 85 16. Some Things to Read static variables 86 #include #include "calc.h" #include "main.h" int glob; int main( void ) { glob = 10; int sum = calc( 15 ); std::cout < "sum = " < sum < ’\n’; < < < } • A variable defined with the keyword static is visible only within its file, and does not conflict with a variable with the same name defined in another file • the static keyword can (and should) be used with functions that are to be used only within one file • The static keyword can be used inside functions and blocks – It is initialised once, and its value remains even between function calls. See Program static.cpp: main.h: #ifndef MAIN H #define MAIN H extern int glob; #endif #include void show times called( void ) { static int called = 0; std::cout < "called " < ++called < " times\n"; < < < } int main( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) show times called(); } Modules — silly example (continued) calc.cpp: #include "main.h" #include "calc.h" int calc( int n ) { return glob + n; } • output of static.cpp: called called called called called 1 2 3 4 5 times times times times times calc.h: #ifndef CALC H #define CALC H extern int calc( int n ); #endif 16 Some Things to Read References [K&R] Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall 1988. [1] Stanley B. Lippman and Josée Lajoie and Barbara E. Moo. C++ Primer, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley 2005. References 87 [2] Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language (Special 3rd Edition). AddisonWesley, 2004, ISBN 0201889544. [3] Tom Adamson and James L. Antonakos and Kenneth C. Mansfield Jr. Structured C for Engineering and Technology, Third Edition. Prentice Hall, 1998. [4] Steve Oualline. Practical C Programming. O’Reilly 1993. [5] Paul Davies. The Indispensable Guide to C With Engineering Applications. AddisonWesley 1995. [6] H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel.C How to Program, Second Edition. Prentice Hall 1994. [7] Vincent Kassab.Technical C Programming. Prentice Hall 1989. [8] Marshall Cline. C++ FAQ LITE. [9] Bjarne Stroustrup. A Tour of the Standard Library. Chapter 3 of The C++ Programming Language. License covering this document Copyright c 2006 Nick Urbanik You can redistribute modified or unmodified copies of this document provided that this copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation — either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.