% Format: latex % $Header: J:\MICROP\56FTWS0\RCS\cprec.tex 1.3 1996/02/22 17:00:04 Nick Exp Nick $ % $Log: cprec.tex $ % Revision 1.3 1996/02/22 17:00:04 Nick % The h specifier did the trick for placing the table properly. % % Revision 1.2 1996/02/22 16:58:15 Nick % Tried to put at bottom of the page. % % Revision 1.1 1996/02/22 16:57:07 Nick % Initial revision % \documentclass[% a4paper% %11pt% %12pt% ]{article} \usepackage{% %a4,% vmargin,% booktabs,% %varioref,% %multicol,% fancyhea,% %fullpage,% %emlines2,% %xr,% %acro,% %cols,% %key,% array,% %prog,% %nbox,% %amssymb,% %amsmath,% lgrind,% %tabularx,% nick% } % Turn off meaning of vertical bar for lgrind. %|- \setmarginsrb{30mm}% left {18mm}% top {30mm}% right {10mm}% bottom {15pt}% headheight---increase to stop fancyhead warn {8mm}% headsep {0pt}% footheight {11mm}% footskip %\pagestyle{fancy} %\lhead{\textbf{\upshape }} %\rhead{\textbf{\thepage}} %\cfoot{} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} {\centering \Large\bfseries Operators used in the C programming language } \vspace{3ex} \begin{table}[bh!] \setlength{\extrarowheight}{0pt} \newcommand*{\cm}{,\,\,} \newcommand*{\opSep}{2ex} \centering %@- \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}} %@+ \toprule %@- \multicolumn{1}{@{}c}{\em Level} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\em Operator} & \multicolumn{1}{c@{}}{\em Function} \\ %@+ \midrule 15L & @->@\cm@.@ & structure member selectors \\ & @[]@ & array index \\ & @()@ & function call \\ [\opSep] 14R & @sizeof@ & size in bytes \\ & @++@\cm@--@ & increment, decrement \\ & @~@ & bitwise NOT \\ & @!@ & logical NOT \\ & @+@\cm@-@ & unary plus, minus \\ & @*@\cm@&@ & dereference, address-of \\ & @()@ & type conversion (cast) \\ [\opSep] 13L & @*@\cm@/@\cm\textsf{\%} & multiply, divide, modulus \\ [\opSep] 12L & @+@\cm@-@ & arithmetic operators \\ [\opSep] 11L & @<<@\cm@>>@ & bitwise shift \\ [\opSep] 10L & @<@\cm@<=@\cm@>@\cm@>=@ & relational operators \\ [\opSep] 9L & @==@\cm@!=@ & equality, inequality \\ [\opSep] 8L & @&@ & bitwise AND \\ [\opSep] 7L & @^@ & bitwise XOR \\ [\opSep] 6L & @|@ & bitwise OR \\ [\opSep] 5L & @&&@ & logical AND \\ [\opSep] 4L & @||@ & logical OR \\ [\opSep] 3L & @?:@ & arithmetic if \\ [\opSep] 2R & @=@ & assignment operator \\ & @*=@\cm@/=@\cm\textsf{\%=} & compound assignment operators \\ & \textsf{+=}\cm\textsf{$-$=}\cm@<<=@ & \\ & @>>=@\cm@&=@\cm@|=@\cm@^=@ & \\ [\opSep] 1L & @,@ & comma operator \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{document}