\ProvidesPackage{scl}[1995/04/23 Small caps, slanted font] % Written by Nick Urbanik, % $Header: G:\EMTEX\TEXINPUT\LATEX2E\NICK\RCS\scl.sty 1.1 1995/09/23 15:40:57 Nick Exp Nick $ % $Log: scl.sty $ % Revision 1.1 1995/09/23 15:40:57 Nick % Initial revision % % Note: to get the actual font, I modified cmcsc10.mf by changing % slope=0; to slope=1/6; % then renamed the result to cmcscl10.mf. % I produced cmcscl10.tfm with: mf386 \mode=laserjet; input cmcscl10 % then copied the tfm, mf files to the appropriate directories. % I wish that there were more font attributes, since sc and sl shapes % are mututally exclusive. Ideally I would like it if slanted text with % a section in small caps would come out all slanted and the appropriate % part in small caps. % Adapted from OT1cmr.fd: \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmr}{m}{scl} { <5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12> <14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88> cmcscl10 }{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmss}{m}{scl} {<->ssub * cmr/m/scl}{} % Adapted from fonttext.ltx: \newcommand\scldefault{scl} % Adapted from latex.ltx: \DeclareRobustCommand\sclshape {\not@math@alphabet\sclshape\relax \fontshape\scldefault\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textscl}{\sclshape}