%% $Header: /cvsroot/lcdp/lpic/general-linux-2/slides/gl2-overview.tex,v 1.3 2003/05/30 06:04:44 waratah Exp $ \documentclass[landscape]{seminar} \renewcommand{\slidefuzz}{1in} % Attempt to reduce overfull warnings. \renewcommand{\printlandscape}{\special{landscape}} \usepackage{times} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{alltt} \usepackage{moreverb} %\usepackage[dvips]{graphics} \usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{shapepar} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{psfrag, graphicx} %\usepackage{graphpap} \usepackage{boxedminipage} %\usepackage{pict2e} %\usepackage{fancybox} %\usepackage{semcolor} \usepackage{semlayer} %overlays \usepackage{slidesec} \input{seminar.bug} \input{seminar.bg2} % See the Seminar bugs list \usepackage{pstricks,pst-node,pst-tree} \slideframe{plain} % plain, oval, Oval, shadow %\slideframe[\psset{fillcolor=blue}]{scshadow} % \psset uses PSTricks. \slidesmag{3} % Default is 4 = all fonts & spacing is scaled by 1.2^4 \setlength{\slidewidth}{200mm} % New command 'heading' for making a nice title for each slide. \newcommand{\heading}[1]{% \fbox{ \sffamily \bfseries \Large #1 } \vspace{1mm} \hrule \vspace{4mm} } %============================================================================== \begin{document} %============================================================= %============================================================================== %----10->|-----20->|-----30->|-----40->|-----50->|-----60->|-----70->|-----80-> \begin{slide} %==== Slide 1 ======================================== \begin{center} \Huge \textsf{-- General Linux 2 Overview -- } \\ \large \textsf{(Linux Professional Institute Certification)} \normalsize\end{center} \footnote{Copyright \copyright\ 2002 Geoffrey Robertson. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies or modified versions of this document provided that this copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation---either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version.} \begin{verbatim} .~. /V\ by: geoffrey robertson // \\ geoffrey@zip.com.au @._.@ \end{verbatim} \tiny \begin{verbatim} $Id: gl2-overview.tex,v 1.3 2003/05/30 06:04:44 waratah Exp $ \end{verbatim} \normalsize \vfill \end{slide} %--------------------------------------------------- %----10->|-----20->|-----30->|-----40->|-----50->|-----60->|-----70->|-----80-> \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Six LPIC Exams} \begin{itemize} \item \underline{\bf Level 1---General Linux} \begin{itemize} \item 101 General Linux Part 1 \item \underline{\bf 102 General Linux Part 2} \end{itemize} \item Level 2---Advanced Linux \begin{itemize} \item 201 Advanced Linux Administration \item 202 Linux Networking Administration \end{itemize} \item Level 3---Advanced Electives (do any 2) \begin{itemize} \item 321 Windows Integration \item 322 Internet Server \item 323 Database Server \item 324 Security, Firewalls and Encryption \item 325 Kernel Drivers and Packages \item 32? TBA in 2002 \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \normalsize \vfill \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{LPIC Level 1 Certification} All current LPI exams use computer-based tests administered through \textsf{VUE}. Each exam costs \$100 (US dollars) and the current outline is for there to be two exams at each level. Also available through \textsf{Prometric} \begin{itemize} \begin{overlay}{1} \item Suitable tasks: \begin{itemize} \item can work at the Unix command line \item performs easy maintenance tasks: help out users, add users to a larger system, backup \& restore, shutdown \& reboot \item can install and configure a work station (incl. X) and connect it to the LAN, or a stand-alone PC via modem to the Internet. \end{itemize} \end{overlay} \overlay{2} \item Note: \begin{itemize} \item This is somewhat heavier than the SAGE "Novice" level: we aim beyond the power-user \& helpdesk level. It is about at the "prerequisites" level of the RedHat training program. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Books---LPIC General Linux 2 specific} \begin{itemize} \item LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell\\ \textit{by Jeffrey Dean}\\ \textsf{O'REILLY} \item LPIC 1 Certification Bible\\ \textit{by Angie Nash and Jason Nash}\\ \textsf{Hungry Minds} \item Prep Kit General Linux 2\\ \textit{by Theresa Hadden Martinez}\\ \textsf{QUE} \item General Linux 2\\ \textit{by }\\ \textsf{} \item LINUX Rute Users Tutorial and Exposition\\ \textit{by Paul Sheer}\\ \textsf{Prentice Hall} \end{itemize} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Books---LPIC General Linux 2 nonspecific} \begin{itemize} \item RHCE Certification\\ \textit{by }\\ \textsf{} \item LINUX Administration Handbook\\ \textit{by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Trent R. Hein}\\ \textsf{Prentice Hall} \item Sair Linux Certification\\ \textit{by }\\ \textsf{} \item Linux\\ \textit{by Marcell Garcia}\\ \textsf{} \item Running Linux \textit{by }\\ \textsf{O'REILLY} \end{itemize} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{LPI General Linux 2--- Subject Areas} \small \begin{itemize} \item {\bf 1.101 Hardware \& Architecture (1.1)} \item {\bf 1.102 Linux Installation \& Package Management (2.2)} \item 1.103 GNU \& Unix Commands (1.3) \item 1.104 Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Std. (2.4) \item {\bf 1.105 Kernel (1.5)} \item 1.106 Boot, Initialisation, Shutdown, Runlevels (2.6) \item {\bf 1.107 Printing (1.7)} \item {\bf 1.108 Documentation (1.8)} \item {\bf 1.109 Shells, Scripting, Programming, Compiling (1.9)} \item {\bf 1.110 X (2.10)} \item 1.111 Administrative Tasks (2.11) \item {\bf 1.112 Networking Fundamentals (1.12)} \item {\bf 1.113 Networking Applications (1.13)} \item {\bf 1.114 Security (1.14)} \end{itemize} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{LPI Advanced Linux---Subject Areas} \small \begin{itemize} \item 2.201: Kernel (0) \item 2.202: System Startup (0) \item 2.203: Filesystem (0) \item 2.204: Hardware (0) \item 2.205: Network (0) \item 2.206: Mail \& News (0) \item 2.207: DNS (0) \item 2.208: Web Servers (0) \item 2.209: File \& Service Sharing (0) \item 2.210: Network Client Management (0) \item 2.211: System Maintenance (0) \item 2.212: System Security (0) \item 2.213: System Customisation \& Automation (0) \item 2.214: Troubleshooting (0) \end{itemize} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{LPI General Linux 2---Subject Areas} \begin{itemize} \item 1.101 Hardware \& Architecture (1.1) \item 1.102 Linux Installation \& Package Management (2.2) \item 1.105 Kernel (1.5) \item 1.107 Printing (1.7) \item 1.108 Documentation (1.8) \item 1.109 Shells, Scripting, Programming, Compiling (1.9) \item 1.110 X (2.10) \item 1.112 Networking Fundamentals (1.12) \item 1.113 Networking Applications (1.13) \item 1.114 Security (1.14) \end{itemize} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Program Objective Management System} See the LPI POMS Quick Start Guide at \texttt{http://www.lpi.org/cgi-bin/poms.py} \begin{itemize} \item on the one side we have the Exams (1,2 etc), \item on the other we have topic Areas (1 to 14); \item A cell in the matrix we call a Topic, \item and a Topic contains several related Objectives. \end{itemize} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Linux Professional Institute \texttt{http://www.lpi.org}} \fbox{\epsfig{file=images/lpi_webpage.eps,height=.66\textwidth}} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Linux Professional Institute \texttt{http://www.lpi.org}} \fbox{\epsfig{file=images/lpi_webpage_2.eps,height=.66\textwidth}} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Linux Professional Institute \texttt{http://www.lpi.org}} \fbox{\epsfig{file=images/lpi_webpage.eps,height=.66\textwidth}} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{Linux Professional Institute \texttt{http://www.lpi.org}} \fbox{\epsfig{file=images/lpi_webpage.eps,height=.66\textwidth}} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{} % \pstree[nodesep=3pt,levelsep=30pt]{\TR{Level 1}} % {\pstree{\TR{Exam 1}} % {\pstree{\TR{Commands}} % {\pstree{\TR{Work on the command line}} % {\pstree{\TR{Process text streams using filters}} % {\pstree{\TR{Perform basic file management}} % } % } % } % {\TR{File System}} % {\TR{Boot}} % {\TR{Docs}} % {\TR{Admin}} % } %\pstree{\TR{Exam 2}} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %--------------------------------------- %======================================================================== \end{document} %========================================================= %======================================================================== %----10->|-----20->|-----30->|-----40->|-----50->|-----60->|-----70->|-----80-> \begin{slide} %==== Slide ======================================== \heading{} \normalsize% \vfill% \end{slide} %---------------------------------------