Starting Nmap 4.00 ( ) at 2006-04-13 11:33 EST Host node51.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:D8 (Intel) Host node52.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:EC (Intel) Host node53.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:82 (Intel) Host node54.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:B8 (Intel) Host node55.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:72:91 (Intel) Host node56.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:74:12 (Intel) Host node57.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:BC (Intel) Host node58.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:0A (Intel) Host node59.c222.enet ( appears to be up. Host node60.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:8B (Intel) Host node61.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:78 (Intel) Host node62.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:90 (Intel) Host node63.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:91 (Intel) Host node64.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:74:11 (Intel) Host node65.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:D4 (Intel) Host node66.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:11:11:F1:73:AB (Intel) Host node111.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:50:FC:D4:B1:CF (Edimax Technology CO.) Host node200.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:04:00:D8:C4:C6 (Lexmark International) Host gw.c222.enet ( appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:10:C6:01:FA:26 (USI) Nmap finished: 256 IP addresses (19 hosts up) scanned in 9.436 seconds