\begin{thebibliography}{LHKC86} \bibitem[Ant93]{antonakos} James~L. Antonakos. \newblock {\em The 68000 microprocessor: hardware and software principles and applications}. \newblock Macmillan, New York, 1993. \newblock ISBN 0-02-303603-6. \newblock QA76.8.M6895A57~1993. \bibitem[{Fli}88]{flight} {Flight Electronics}. \newblock {\em The \FLIGHTsl users manual}. \newblock Flight Electronics, Southampton, second edition, 1988. \bibitem[Hor92]{horvath} Ralph Horvath. \newblock {\em Introduction to Microprocessors using the MC6809 or the MC68000}. \newblock McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992. \newblock ISBN 0-07-112645-7. \bibitem[LHKC86]{leventhal} Lance Leventhal, Doug Hawkins, Gerry Kane, and William~D. Cramer. \newblock {\em 68000 Assembly Language Programming}. \newblock Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Berkley, second edition, 1986. \newblock ISBN 0-07-099131-6. \bibitem[LW93]{livadas} Panos~E. Livadas and Christopher Ward. \newblock {\em Computer Organization and the MC68000}. \newblock Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993. \newblock ISBN 0-13-175712-1. \newblock This book describes the \asmk assembler and \simk simulator. \bibitem[Mot83]{moto68230} Motorola. \newblock {\em The MC68230 Parallel Interface/Timer (\PITsl)}. \newblock Motorola Inc, Austin, Texas, December 1983. \bibitem[Mot92]{motoProgRef} Motorola. \newblock {\em The M68000 Family Programmer's Reference Manual}. \newblock Motorola Inc, Austin, Texas, 1992. \end{thebibliography}