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There are a number of errors in the book; those I could find are corrected here. I will be grateful to any reader---student or staff---who can point out any other errors, whether factual, spelling, typographical or gramatical. I am interested in feedback about ways I can improve the next edition.\footnote{I know many cross references and index items will be wrong, as mentioned on page~\pageref{pag:wrongRefs}, but getting these right in the next edition of this book is trivial.} \section*{Major errors and omisions} \begin{description} \item[page 55, 6th bulletted point] The dip switches are connected to port C, not to port~A\e. The second sentence should read: \begin{quote} This is the port~C data register on the \PIT. \end{quote} and \emph{not} \begin{quote} This is the port~A data register on the \PIT. \end{quote} \item[page 110, solution to exercise 2.6 (g)] \mbox{}\\[-2ex] \begin{enumerate} \item[(g)] To solve this, you really need to look at table~A.1 on page~116 which shows operator precedence, or in other words, which operator is evaluated first. \label{soln:precedenceExample} From that table, we see that `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\>=}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}', `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\<=}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}', `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\<}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}' and `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\>}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}' have precedence level 10, `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\&\&}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}' has precedence level 5, `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{!}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}' has the high priority of 14, `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\|\,\|}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}' has a priority of 4 and binary `\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\-}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}' has a priority of 12. The expressions are evaluated in order of this priority, those with a higher precedence level first. Let us put parentheses around this expression to see how it is evaluated by the C compiler. \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{__10_\>=_0_\&\&_30_\<=_30_\|\,\|_!_(_50_\<_0_)_\&\&_7_\-_3_\>_5}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}\\ \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{=_(_(_(_10_\>=_0_)_\&\&_(_30_\<=_30_)_)_)}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}\\ \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\|\,\|_(_!_(_50_\<_0_)_\&\&_(_(_7_\-_3_)_\>_5_)_)}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}\\ \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{=_(_1_\&\&_1_)_\|\,\|_(_!_0_\&\&_(_4_\>_5_)_)}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}\\ \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{=_1_\|\,\|_(_1_\&\&_0_)}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}\\ \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{=_1_\|\,\|_0}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}\\ \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{=_1}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}, which has the logical value \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\V{true}}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}. \end{enumerate} \item[page 117, solution to exercise 3.1] Replace the whole of the solution part (a) with the following: \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item If there are three address line inputs to the address decoder, A$_{23\text{--}21}$, then a new range of addresses is selected when A$_{21}$ changes. So the lowest address, A00000\hex is active when A$_{23}$ = 1, A$_{22}$ = 0 and A$_{21}$ = 1. This three-bit number is 101\bin. When this three-bit number is incremented, then the \DUART will cease to be activated. This will happen when A$_{23}$ = 1, A$_{22}$ = 1 and A$_{21}$ = 0. The highest address with A$_{23}$ = 1, A$_{22}$ = 0 and A$_{21}$ = 1 is BFFFFF\hex. That is the highest address at which the chip select of the \DUART will be activated. \end{enumerate} The second part should be labelled (b), not \textbf{2.} \end{description} \section*{Minor corrections} \begin{description} \item[page 1, section 1.1.1, 4th line from bottom] Write \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\K{\#include}_\<\V{flight}.\V{h}\>}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{} instead of \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\K{\#include}_\<\V{flight}.\V{h}}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}. \item[page 3, top line] Delete the word `the' in front of the reference to [Sum]\e. \item[page 34, second line of section 2.8.5] Write C instead of \Cpp. \item[page 41, Program example 2.18] Write \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\V{printf}(_\S{}\"the_\'2\'_key_is_ok.\2n\"\SE{}_);}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{} instead of \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\V{printf}(_\S{}\"the_key_\'2\'_key_is_ok.\"\SE{}_);}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{} \item[page 44, eleventh line from top] The word ``to'' has been wrongly written as ``fo''. \item[page 48, eighth line of exercise 2.14] \hspace{2.5em} Write ``function'' instead of\break ``fucntion''. \item[page 49, first line of exercise 2.15] A space is missing after the function name, \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\Proc{SevenSegment}\V{SevenSegment}()}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}; write ``\LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\Proc{SevenSegment}\V{SevenSegment}()}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{} in'' rather than \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\Proc{SevenSegment}\V{SevenSegment}()}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{}in''. \item[page 50, second line of text after the program] Write ``\ldots like that shown in figure 2.2 on the facing page'' instead of ``\ldots like that shown in figure 2.15 on the preceding page'' \item[page 54, seventh line of section 2.11] Write: ``one such guide is [C$^+$] which is\ldots'' instead of ``one such guide is [ea] which is\ldots''. This refers to a document called \emph{The Indian Hill Style Guide}, which is mentioned in the references section on page 120. \item[page 59, fourth line of section 3.2.2] Write ``address bus'' instead of ``address lines''. \item[page 59, bottom line of page] Write $2^{15} - 1 = 32767$ instead of $2^{15} = 32767$. \item[page 60, eighth line from the top] The word ``circuit'' is repeated. Delete one. \item[page 71, in \texttt{Algorithm ReadKey}] There are many equals signs that should be assignments. Replace all cases of `\inst{=}' with `\inst{:=}'. \item[page 86, second line of section D.7.1] Replace the word ``microseconds'' with ``milliseconds''. \item[page 87, 12th line from the top] Write the sentence ``The program will terminate when you press a key on the \PC rather than requiring you to press the \textsf{RESET} button on the \FLIGHT.'' instead of ``The program will terminate when you press a key rather than requiring you to press the \acro{RESET} button on the \FLIGHT.'' \item[page 87, bottom line before the program example] The program example is wrongly said to be on the next page; in fact it is on the same page. \item[page 88, two lines before the program example] Replace the word\break ``od'' with the word ``on''. \item[page 88, all of section D.7.4] There are many `@' symbols that have appeared. Delete them. \item[page 99, 13th line from the top] Write: \texttt{error1.c: 1: Unknown preprocessing directive.} instead of \verb|\texttt{error1.c: 1: Unknown preprocessing directive.}| \item[page 102, 5th line of section H1] Write ``compile'' instead of ``assemble''. \item[page 102, title of section H.2] The title should be: ``The general procedure for editing, compiling, downloading and running a program'', not ``The general procedure for editing, assembling, downloading and running an assembly language program''. Of course, the name should be changed to this in the table of contents on page~vii. \item[page 121, top line] Write ``Frequently'' instead of ``Requently''. \end{description} In addition, in my impatience to print this book, I compiled it one time too few. The result of this is that many cross-references are \label{pag:wrongRefs}% wrong and will be in error by one page. The same is true of the index, and possibly the table of contents and table of program examples. Section 3.3 about the keypad, pages 68--73, is rather biased towards an assembly language implementation. The description does not match the \LGinlinetrue\LGbegin\lgrinde\L{\LB{\Proc{ReadKey}\V{ReadKey}()}}\endlgrinde\LGend\LGinlinefalse{} function (given on page 90) very well. \end{document}