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There are a number of errors in the book; those I could find are corrected here. I will be grateful to any reader---student or staff---who can point out any other errors, whether factual, spelling, typographical or gramatical. I am interested in feedback about ways I can improve the next edition.\footnote{I know many cross references and index items will be wrong, as mentioned on page~\pageref{pag:wrongRefs}, but getting these right in the next edition of this book is trivial.} \section*{Major errors and omissions} \begin{description} \item[page 55, 6th bulletted point] The dip switches are connected to port C, not to port~A\e. The second sentence should read: \begin{quote} This is the port~C data register on the \PIT. \end{quote} and \emph{not} \begin{quote} This is the port~A data register on the \PIT. \end{quote} \item[page 110, solution to exercise 2.6 (g)] \mbox{}\\[-2ex] \begin{enumerate} \item[(g)] To solve this, you really need to look at table~A.1 on page~116 which shows operator precedence, or in other words, which operator is evaluated first. \label{soln:precedenceExample} From that table, we see that `@>=@', `@<=@', `@<@' and `@>@' have precedence level 10, `@&&@' has precedence level 5, `@!@' has the high priority of 14, `@||@' has a priority of 4 and binary `@-@' has a priority of 12. The expressions are evaluated in order of this priority, those with a higher precedence level first. Let us put parentheses around this expression to see how it is evaluated by the C compiler. @ 10 >= 0 && 30 <= 30 || ! ( 50 < 0 ) && 7 - 3 > 5@\\ @= ( ( ( 10 >= 0 ) && ( 30 <= 30 ) ) )@\\ @|| ( ! ( 50 < 0 ) && ( ( 7 - 3 ) > 5 ) )@\\ @= ( 1 && 1 ) || ( ! 0 && ( 4 > 5 ) )@\\ @= 1 || ( 1 && 0 )@\\ @= 1 || 0@\\ @= 1@, which has the logical value @true@. \end{enumerate} \item[page 117, solution to exercise 3.1] Replace the whole of the solution part (a) with the following: \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item If there are three address line inputs to the address decoder, A$_{23\text{--}21}$, then a new range of addresses is selected when A$_{21}$ changes. So the lowest address, A00000\hex is active when A$_{23}$ = 1, A$_{22}$ = 0 and A$_{21}$ = 1. This three-bit number is 101\bin. When this three-bit number is incremented, then the \DUART will cease to be activated. This will happen when A$_{23}$ = 1, A$_{22}$ = 1 and A$_{21}$ = 0. The highest address with A$_{23}$ = 1, A$_{22}$ = 0 and A$_{21}$ = 1 is BFFFFF\hex. That is the highest address at which the chip select of the \DUART will be activated. \end{enumerate} The second part should be labelled (b), not \textbf{2.} \end{description} \section*{Minor corrections} \begin{description} \item[page 1, section 1.1.1, 4th line from bottom] Write @#include @ instead of @#include