\newcommand{\etalchar}[1]{$^{#1}$} \begin{thebibliography}{{Fli}88} \bibitem[CC]{cktCellar} {Circuit Cellar Inc}. \newblock monthly. \newblock Also called \emph{Computer Applications Journal}\e. Available in library (soon). A great magazine for practical projects using embedded microprocessors. \bibitem[CEK{\etalchar{+}}]{IHSG} L.~W. Cannon, R.~A. Elliott, L.~W. Kirchhoff, et~al. \newblock {Recommended C Style and Coding Standards}---\textup{also known as the} {Indian Hill Style Guide}. \newblock Available by \acro{FTP} from cd.washington.edu as \texttt{pub/cstyle.tar.Z}, updated occasionally. A copy is kept in the laboratory---ask if you are interested. \bibitem[DDJ]{drDobbs} Dr. {Dobb's Journal}. \newblock Published monthly, available in the library. A good magazine about programming, mainly in C or \Cpp, mainly on \PC{}s. \bibitem[{Fli}88]{flight} {Flight Electronics}. \newblock {\em The \FLIGHTsl users manual}. \newblock Flight Electronics, Southampton, second edition, 1988. \bibitem[Hor92]{horvath} Ralph Horvath. \newblock {\em Introduction to Microprocessors using the MC6809 or the MC68000}. \newblock McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992. \newblock ISBN 0-07-112645-7. \bibitem[KR88]{kernighan} Brian~W. Kernighan and Dennis~M. Ritchie. \newblock {\em The C Programming Language}. \newblock Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, second edition, 1988. \bibitem[Mot83]{moto68230} Motorola. \newblock {\em The MC68230 Parallel Interface/Timer (\PITsl)}. \newblock Motorola Inc, Austin, Texas, December 1983. \bibitem[Per94]{perry} Greg Perry. \newblock {\em Absolute beginner's guide to C}. \newblock Sams publishing (division of Prentice Hall), Indianapolis IN, second edition, 1994. \newblock QA76.73.C15P458~1994. \bibitem[Ste94]{stevens} Al~Stevens. \newblock {\em Al Stevens Teaches C: an interactive tutorial}. \newblock MIS press, 1994. \newblock ISBN 1-55828-387-0. \newblock QA76.73.C15S698~1994. \bibitem[Sum]{cFaq} Steve Summit. \newblock \texttt{compl.lang.c} {Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ List)}. \newblock http://www.eskimo.com/$\sim$scs/C-faq.top.html. \newblock A copy is kept in \texttt{f:\bs faq\bs c\bs c.faq}, but this gets rather out of date. \bibitem[Urb96]{nickAsm} Nick Urbanik. \newblock {\em Using 68000 assembly language in the laboratory and at home: A guide to 68000 systems in the Microprocessor Applications Laboratory~D226}. \newblock Hong Kong Technical College (Tsing Yi), Department of Electrical \& Communications Engineering, 14 January 1996. \end{thebibliography}