#Generated by Kickstart Configurator lang en_US langsupport en_US keyboard us #Probe for Mouse timezone --utc America/New_York rootpw --iscrypted $1$/uÌÚËXÛi$Jafcl541VB/i.JjG.Gtjj0 bootloader --location=mbr install nfs --server ictlab.tyict.vtc.edu.hk --dir /var/ftp/pub/rh-7.2-updated clearpart --linux --initlabel part / --fstype ext3 --size 2500 --grow --ondisk /dev/hdc part swap --size 500 network --bootproto dhcp auth --useshadow --enablemd5 --enableldap --enableldapauth --ldapserver ldap.tyict.vtc.edu.hk --ldapbasedn dc=tyict,dc=vtc,dc=edu,dc=hk firewall --disabled #Do not configure the X Window System skipx %packages @Printing Support @Classic X Window System @X Window System @GNOME @KDE @Sound and Multimedia Support @Network Support @Messaging and Web Tools @Graphics and Image Manipulation @NFS File Server @Windows File Server %post echo done