\documentclass{ictlab} \usepackage[pdfpagemode=None,pdfauthor={Nick Urbanik}]{hyperref} \RCS $Revision: 1.8 $ \usepackage{alltt,key,color,answer2} \renewcommand*{\subject}{Operating Systems and Systems Integration} \newcommand*{\labTitle}{Access Control \& Permissions: SUID, SGID, \texttt{chmod}, \texttt{chown}, and \texttt{chgrp}: Supplementary Table} \definecolor{light-blue}{rgb}{0.4,0.4,1} \newcommand*{\gl}[1]{\textcolor{light-blue}{#1}} % good link \newcommand*{\ex}[1]{\textcolor{green}{#1}} % executable file \newcommand*{\bl}[1]{\colorbox{red}{\textcolor{white}{\textbf{#1}}}} % bad link \begin{document} Fill in the following table:\\[2ex] {\renewcommand{\extrarowheight}{0ex} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|c|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|} \hline%$ \emph{SUID?} & \emph{SGID?} & \emph{user that owns \textnormal{\texttt{/tmp/ash}}} & \emph{group that owns \textnormal{\texttt{/tmp/ash}}} & \emph{user that owns the process} & \emph{group that owns the process} & \emph{user that executes \textnormal{\texttt{/tmp/ash}}} & \emph{group that executes \textnormal{\texttt{/tmp/ash}}}\\ \hline no & no & root & root & & & me & my group \\\hline yes & no & root & root & & & me & my group \\\hline yes & no & apache & root & & & me & my group \\\hline yes & no & & & & & me & my group \\\hline no & no & root & root & & & me & my group \\\hline %no & yes & root & root & & & me & my group \\\hline no & yes & root & apache & & & me & my group \\\hline no & yes & & & & & me & my group \\\hline yes & yes & & & & & me & my group \\\hline \end{tabularx}}\\[2ex] \result[Conclusion]{3}{What general rule can you state about the effect of the \SUID permission?}{} \result[Conclusion]{3}{Explain what the effect of the \SGID permission is.}{} \result[Conclusion]{2}{How is the \SGID permission different from the \SUID permission on an executable file?}{} \end{document}