\documentclass{cmlab} \RCS $Revision: 1.1 $ \usepackage{alltt,key,xr} \externaldocument[lt-]{../../linux_training-plus-config-files-ossi/build/masterfile} \ifx\pdftexversion\undefined \else \usepackage[pdfpagemode=None,pdfauthor={Nick Urbanik}]{hyperref} \fi \newcommand*{\labTitle}{Configuring WebDAV on Apache} \begin{document} \section{Aim} \label{sec:aim} WebDAV is already very important, but will be increasingly so over the next year. Here you will learn how to set up and configure a WebDAV enabled folder on your web server, and understand how to use it from two WebDAV clients: IE 5.x, and Microsoft Word. \section{Background} \label{sec:background} See the chapter on Apache in the \emph{Linux Training Materials Project}. I have written a detailed description of WebDAV and where you can find more information about it. \section{Procedure} \label{sec:procedure} \begin{enumerate} \item \label{stp:make-website-dir}Create a directory to be cotrolled by WebDAV\@. It must be writable by the user \texttt{apache}. \begin{alltt} $ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/\emph{mywebsite} $ sudo chown apache.apache /var/www/html/\emph{mywebsite} \end{alltt} \item WebDAV locks files opened for writing. It stores this lock information into a database. You need to create a directory to hold this database. \begin{alltt} $ sudo mkdir /var/lock/WebDAV $ sudo chown apache.apache /var/lock/WebDAV \end{alltt} \item Servers report all error messages and give feedback to the system administrator through the server logs. Open two terminal windows and run the follwoing commands, one in each: \begin{alltt} $ sudo tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log $ sudo tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log \end{alltt} \textbf{Keep these two windows open, viewing the log files, from now till the end of the class.} \item Open your web server configuration inside a text editor: \begin{alltt} $ sudo emacs /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \end{alltt}%$ \textbf{Keep this editor open, from now till the end of the class.} \item Append to the end of \texttt{/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf} the example configuration from page~\vref{lt-sec:mod_dav-configuration-example} of the \emph{Linux Training Materials Project}. Edit it to match the directory name you made in step~\ref{stp:make-website-dir}. Don't forget to add the location of the WebDAV lock database. Note that you created the file \texttt{/etc/httpd/conf/passwd} when you did the exercise about web server authentication. You will use the user names and passwords that you created then. \item Restart your web server while viewing the \texttt{error\_log} file. Watch the error messages in the log file, and if they refer to a configuration error, click on the editor, correct the error, and restart the server. \item Go to a Windows machine running Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. \item Make sure that IE is configured so that it can connect to your web server without going to a proxy server. This step is essential. \item View the directory you created as a normal web site. For example, if I created the directory \texttt{/var/www/html/mywebsite}, and the name server has registered my computer name as \url{nick.tycm.vtc.edu.hk}, then I would type the following into the URL bar of IE: \begin{alltt} http//nick.tycm.vtc.edu.hk/mywebsite/ \end{alltt} \item If you cannot see your web site, then the proxy settings on IE are wrong. Choose Tools $\rightarrow$ Internet Options $\rightarrow$ Connections $\rightarrow$ LAN settings then make sure that the web browser is set so that it will connect directly to your web server. \item If you can see you site, then: \begin{enumerate} \item select the URL and type \key{Control-C} \item click File $\rightarrow$ Open \item Paste the URL into the dialog box with \key{Control-V} \item Check the check box item: \textsf{Open as a web folder} \end{enumerate} \item Open Windows Explorer, and copy a directory containing files \item Paste into your web folder. If this does not work, check that the directory is owned by apache, and check that the directory that holds the lock files exists and is owned by apache. Read the error and access log files. \item Start Microsoft Word, and open a new file on the WebDAV server, save it there (make sure that you choose ``Web Folders''). \end{enumerate} \end{document}