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This is \emph{practical!},% bm=NO! This is \emph{practical!}]% {NO! This is \emphcolour{practical!}} \begin{itemize} \item This subject aims to provide you with practical skills that you will find useful in your workplace. \item You learn here by \emphcolour{doing.} \item I even understand this subject too! \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Mostly based on Linux} \begin{itemize} \item \ldots{}with some comparisons with Windows 2000. \item Aim to support career certification, e.g., Red Hat Certified Engineer, Linux Professional Institute \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{wideslide}[toc=Nick Loves Linux,bm=Nick Loves Linux]{} \positionPicture% %% \makeatother %% \@ifpackageloaded{geometry}{}{% %% \vspace*{-0.15\slideWidth} %% \hspace*{-0.1\slideWidth}% %% } %% \makeatletter \includegraphics[width=1.2\slideWidth]% {nick-loves-linux-1600x1080-cropped-further} \end{wideslide} \begin{slide}{So why does Nick love Linux?} \begin{itemize} \item It is free software \item Free as in freedom \item \ldots{}also, free as in free beer \item It works really well \item It can ``glue'' many other things together \item Like Lego; can build anything I want \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{More reasons why Nick Loves Linux} \begin{itemize} \item Built on cooperation \item Great for Internet applications \item Only fully compliant \TCPIP \item We can see and modify the source code to any of it that we want to \item Based on standards \item Uses open protocols \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Open Standards and Protocols} \begin{itemize} \item What do I mean by ``\emphcolour{Open Standard}?'' \begin{itemize} \item Can freely download the standard, not pay a huge fee just to read it \item Agreed to by open discussion: barrier to participation is lack of ability, not lack of money! \item Examples of open standards: \begin{itemize} \item \TCPIP, http, \SSH, ftp, \DNS, \DHCP, Perl, \LDAP, \SMTP, \TLS, many, many more \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Standards that are not so open} \begin{itemize} \item Many standards are developed in a less open way \item Example: the \acro{WEP} protocol, used to provide ``privacy'' for wireless \LAN{}s \item Developed behind closed doors, announced to the public \item Cracked almost immediately: a bad design \item Not open to inspection and peer review \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Embrace and Extend} \begin{itemize} \item Many companies use ``standards'' \item But change them a little bit to give a competitive advantage \item Example: Kerberos \begin{itemize} \item Developed at MIT as open source software, \item Improved by programmers all round the world \item Used by Microsoft for authentication in Active Directory \end{itemize} \item Microsoft changed the interpretation of one small part of the protocol \item Effect: all Kerberos clients can use a Microsoft Kerberos server \item But Microsoft clients will refuse to work with anything except a Microsoft server. \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Other ``Industry Standards''} \begin{itemize} \item Consider the Microsoft Office suite \item The layout is a secret \item OpenOffice.org has developed an office suite that can read and write Office documents \item Very hard work: \begin{itemize} \item a moving target \item Much effort by \MS to make them very hard to read, and even harder to write \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{What is ``Systems Integration''?} \begin{itemize} \item It involves combining products from many companies into a system \item Other words: \emphcolour{interoperation}, \emphcolour{compatibility} \item Very important: it's not enough just to learn one product \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Why From Many Companies?} \begin{itemize} \item Why not just from one supplier? \end{itemize} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\slideWidth]{monoculture} \end{center} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Monoculture (One supplier)} \begin{itemize} \item Advantages: \item Fewer system integration problems \item Less skill required \item All training from the one vendor \item Disadvantages: \item Vulnerability in one is a vulnerability in all (e.g., So.Big, Blaster, SirCam, NIMBDA worms, Outlook viruses) \item One supplier cannot make everything: \item E.g., Cisco sell more routers and switches than Microsoft \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{How Best to Integrate? Standards} \begin{itemize} \item Using \emphcolour{Open Standards} that are free of patents and other restrictions on use \item \ldots{}But every vendor says they support the standards! \item Some standards are more open than others! \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{So what answers are there?} \begin{itemize} \item Free software supports open standards \item So open, you can read the source code and see how it works! \item You can even change it to suit your needs, and if you find problems, you can fix them! \item Aim for interoperation, not for exclusion or market benefit \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Samba --- Systems Integration} \begin{itemize} \item Samba allows a Linux or Unix or Macintosh machine to talk with Windows \item and the other way round \item Free Software \item A Linux machine can be an NT-4 compatible Primary Domain Controller \item Can also be an AD member \item Very stable, high quality \item Used by many companies to interoperate with Windows \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Practical: 60 hours of laboratory workshops!} \begin{itemize} \item We start this week! \item So what will we do? \item In the first class, we partition hard disks \item \ldots then install Linux. \item See you there! \end{itemize} \end{slide} \end{document}