include ../Make.defines PROGS = abort.o child critical mask queue \ raise.o read1 read2 readpart reenter \ segv setops.o sigtstp sigusr \ suspend1 suspend2 \ system.o systest1 systest2 \ trestart tsavedid tsiglist tsleep tsleep1 tsleep2 tsleep3 \ ttellwait1 ttellwait2 all: ${PROGS} systest1.o: ${NOANSICOMPILE.c} systest1.c # We want to link with our own version of system() for systest[12]. systest1: system.o systest1.o $(LINK.c) -o $@ systest1.o system.o $(LDLIBS) systest2: system.o systest2.o $(LINK.c) -o $@ systest2.o system.o $(LDLIBS) tsleep1: sleep1.o tsleep1.o $(LINK.c) -o $@ sleep1.o tsleep1.o $(LDLIBS) tsleep2: sleep2.o tsleep2.o $(LINK.c) -o $@ sleep2.o tsleep2.o $(LDLIBS) clean: rm -f ${PROGS} ${TEMPFILES}