% This document was generated automagically by lgrind. DO NOT EDIT. #!/bin/sh # let works with + - * / % plus many other C operators # Note that there are no spaces on either the left or right side # of +, - , *, / , %, unless you quote the expression. # let SUM=1 + 2 (this is wrong) let "SUM = 1 + 2" # Okay, since quoted the spaces let SUM=1+2 # okay, no spaces, no need for quotes let SUB=5-1 let MUL=2*5 let DIV=10/3 let REMAINDER=10%3 let 'EQUATION = 1 + 2 - 5 * 4 / 10' echo "SUM is ${SUM}" echo "SUB is ${SUB}" echo "MUL is ${MUL}" echo "DIV is ${DIV}" echo "REMAINDER is ${REMAINDER}" echo "EQUATION is ${EQUATION}"