Summary of the Subject Nick Urbanik Department of Information and Communications Technology Copyright Conditions: Open Publication License (see OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 1/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Open Standards do not limit access Operating System Types Shell Programming Open Protocols and Open Standards POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 2/21 Open Standards do not limit access I I I Data encoded in a proprietary format may be expensive to recover far into the future Legal restrictions imposed by patents may require additional royalties to be paid in addition to the costs of reverse-engineering. See the updated notes on Free Software and Open Standards. Open Protocols and Open Standards Open Standards do not limit access Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 3/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Four Structures Virtual Machine Why mainframe better than servers? Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 4/21 Four Structures I I We covered four OS structures: N Monolithic N Layered N Microkernel N Virtual Machine Monolithic OS: examples: Linux, some Unix systems. All kernel code executes in the same address space—low communication overhead Layered Attempts to isolate parts of OS from each other to make the system more modular; has increased overhead of communication between the layers Microkernel tries to make the OS kernel as small as possible. Overhead of communication between the many simple components makes it hard for anyone to understand the system. Make sure you know what a system call and a trap are. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Four Structures Virtual Machine Why mainframe better than servers? Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 5/21 Virtual Machine I IBM N N N N sell many mainframes very large, reliable, expensive computers with high input, output capability Run many virtual machines on the one physical machine Each virtual machine is isolated from the others, so virtual machines can be set up on the one mainframe for two companies that are competitors I No company can directly find out what is on the other virtual machines One mainframe can replace many smaller servers in a data centre. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Four Structures Virtual Machine Why mainframe better than servers? Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 6/21 Why mainframe better than servers? I I A company can choose whether to pay for a single mainframe or a number of separate server machines to provide their network services The mainframe may cost less than an equivalent number of individual servers because: N The load can be shared among all the virtual machines, and the mainframe CPU can be used effectively N Individual servers need to have enough CPU processing power to meet peak demand, but normal traffic will be much less than the peak. N Because of this, the individual servers will have a lot of unused processing power. N The mainframe will use much less floor space, and so save money N The mainframe will use much less electricity than the individual servers N The mainframe will use much less air conditioning power, and save a lot of electricity. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Four Structures Virtual Machine Why mainframe better than servers? Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 7/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming Shell Programming Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 8/21 Shell Programming I I I Make sure you understand what you are doing in the shell assignment. Understand how to use the keychain program with your assignment. Note: I have updated the pages about keychain in the notes in Module 13. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 9/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands POSIX Commands POSIX diff find, xargs Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 10/21 POSIX I POSIX I is a standard, which defines a standard set of system calls, a standard set of commands, and a standard shell programming language. Linux aims to be compliant with the POSIX standards. Many Unix systems are POSIX compliant. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands POSIX diff find, xargs Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 11/21 diff I I I Often used like this: $ diff -u orignal file new file Output of the diff command shows the differences between two sets of files. Output is per line: N if a line in original file is not in new file , the output will have a ‘-’ at the start of the line. N if a line in original file is in new file , but not original file , the output will have a ‘+’ at the start of the line. N if a line has changed, even by one character, the line from original file will have a ‘-’ in the output, while the line from new file will have a ‘+’. N Two or so lines are shown around the changes, so that it is easy to see where the change is. These context lines do not have any a ‘+’ or ‘-’ in front, but a space ’ ’ instead. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands POSIX diff find, xargs Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 12/21 find, xargs I I These two tools often are used go together. Make sure you understand how xargs works. find uses logic expressions to find files that match particular requirements. grep used to search for strings in files . . . and also in standard output. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands POSIX diff find, xargs Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 13/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming Files and File Permissions POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 14/21 File Permissions and Symbolic Links I I I Make sure that you have worked though and understood all the problems in the Permissions Tutorial permissions/permissions.pdf We have covered permissions in more detail than in previous years, and permissions are a vital topic in managing POSIX systems. We also spent some time studying symbolic links N Make sure you understand clearly the difference between a relative symbolic link and an absolute symbolic link N Make sure you understand how to create them from any directory. N Please study the handout about symbolic links sym-link/sym-link.pdf Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 15/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming Processes POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Processes and Threads Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 16/21 Processes and Threads I I I Processes have a Process Control Block (PCB) A PCB is one entry in the process table N In Linux, it is called task_struct. Some people call it a task descriptor A PCB holds a lot of information, including: N The Process ID, (PID), PID of parent (PPID) N various User IDs, (UIDs), group IDs (GIDs) N An environment (containing environment variables such as PATH N A copy of the CPU registers the last time the process was suspended, including a copy of the program counter. N The process state (see the two diagrams of process state) N Address mapping details N Resources held by the process, such as a list of files the process has open Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Processes and Threads Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 17/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming Signals and IPC How Processes can Talk to Each Other POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Signals and IPC Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 18/21 Signals and IPC I I I I I I I OSSI — ver. 1.1 I Processes cannot easily share information Need to use Inter Process Communication (IPC) for two processes to share data. Examples: N Pipes — you used in shell programming N Sockets — over a network (e.g., for the Internet), and through a socket file — the ssh-agent talks to ssh, scp and other SSH clients through a socket N Signals — See the assignment and the trapall shell script Signal is sent by the kill() system call N The kill shell command also makes the kill() system call A process often terminates when it recieves a signal A process can trap a signal by executing some code when it recieves the signal No process can ignore or trap the KILL signal or the STOP signal. Make sure you understand signals. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Signals and IPC Job Control Summary of the Subject - p. 19/21 Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming Job Control POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 20/21 Job Control I I I I I ¨  We stop a process with  Control-Z © This sends a STOP signal to the process. A stopped process is forced to stop executing, but is still using memory and holding resources and file locks, that it was holding when you sent it the STOP signal. Understand what fg, bg, jobs do. Read about this again in module 2. Open Protocols and Open Standards Operating System Types Shell Programming POSIX Commands Files and File Permissions Processes Signals and IPC Job Control Job Control OSSI — ver. 1.1 Summary of the Subject - p. 21/21