Operating Systems and Systems Integration Quick Quiz 2 Do not refer to any printed material. No talking or discussion is allowed until the answer sheets are all collected. Review: 1. Which of the following commands can list all files in /etc and below, showing their types? (A) $ find /etc | file (B) $ file /etc/* | find -type (C) $ find /etc | xargs file (D) $ file --replace -exec find /etc 2. Select one fact about the cpio and/or tar commands: (A) Both can create an archive of files (B) rpms are just tar files (C) tar must always read filenames from standard input (D) cpio is more widely used than tar 3. The command: ldd /bin/bash shows: (A) not a dynamic executable (B) shared libraries that /bin/bash is linked to (C) no output (D) an error message Preparation: 4. Common filesystem types on Linux include: (A) cdfilesys (B) apache (C) ext3 (D) bash 5. An absolute filename always begins with: (A) a dot: “.” (B) a slash: “/” (C) a double dot: “..” (D) a tilde: “∼”