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it is %% not enough to put a cross through the circle %% \par\vspace*{0.1\textheight}\par %% Errors in student number get ZERO marks} %% \end{minipage} %% \par\vspace*{\fill}\par %% \end{center} %% \clearpage %% %\par\vspace*{-15mm}\par %% \begin{center} %% \bfseries %% {\Large Operating Systems and Systems Integration \ Quick Quiz 3} %% \end{center} \textbf{Do not refer to any printed material.\\ No talking or discussion is allowed until the answer sheets are all collected.} %\extraslideheight{0pt} %\enlargethispage*{2\baselineskip} %\large% %\begin{multicols}{2} %\setcounter{columnbadness}{10000} %\setcounter{unbalance}{2} \paragraph{Review:} \begin{enumerate} \item The file \texttt{/etc/fstab}: \begin{enumerate} \item determines which kernel to load at boot time \item chooses filesystems the kernel will mount at boot time \item determines whether the kernel supports the Ext3 filesystem type \item determines the maximum number of open files \item lists all filesystem types supported by the kernel \end{enumerate} \item %\par\vspace*{-0.9\baselineskip}\par \begin{alltt} $ \textbf{ls -ld directory} drwxr-xr-- 3 lee students 48 Feb 11 09:10 directory \end{alltt}%$ \begin{enumerate} \item members of group \texttt{staff} cannot list files in \texttt{directory} \item members of group \texttt{students} can delete files in \texttt{directory} \item It is impossible for user \texttt{lee} to be a member of group \texttt{students} \item both user \texttt{lee} \emph{and} members of group \texttt{students} can delete files in \texttt{directory}. \item members of group \texttt{students} can change to \texttt{directory} \end{enumerate} \item The program \texttt{pppd} has the set user \ID (\SUID) permission set: \begin{alltt} $ \textbf{ls -l pppd} -rwsr-xr-x 1 root nicku 184348 Sep 6 02:55 pppd \end{alltt}%$ When user \texttt{012345678}, who has primary group \texttt{students}, executes this program, the resulting process will: \begin{enumerate} \item be owned by the user \texttt{root} \item be owned by the user \texttt{012345678} \item have group owner \texttt{nicku} \item have no group owner \item be non-existent, since only \texttt{root} is allowed to execute a \SUID program \end{enumerate} %% \item the directory \texttt{/proc} contains information that is: %% \begin{enumerate} %% \item dynamic information about the OS and hardware %% \item a type of relational database; SQL is always used to query it %% \item a list of network \textbf{proc}ters %% \item is unreadable except by the OS kernel %% \item contains entirely static data that is fixed when the computer %% boots %% \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \vspace*{-5mm} \paragraph{Preparation:} \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{3} \item A shell script: \begin{enumerate} \item cannot support normal programming using loops and function calls \item is compiled into machine language before it is executed \item is always optimised for performance, and executes faster than Java programs \item is often used for system administration \item can only be written by professional programmers \end{enumerate} \item Select one statement that is most correct: \begin{enumerate} \item There is very little documentation for shell programming, but the O'Reilly books are good references \item The \texttt{man} page for \texttt{bash} does not provide enough information about the language for a reference guide \item There is a free online book about shell programming \item Shell programs are always quite long. \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} %\end{multicols} %\end{slide} \end{document}