Systems and Network Management Assignment 3: Creating bulk posix accounts in an LDAP Directory Submission: by 8pm, Sunday, 23 May 2004 Where: Online at A paper submission is not required (save the trees!) Important: All programs you write must start with these lines: #! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; and should compile without errors. Cheating: Your work must be original. Copying will be severely dealt with. 1 Background This assignment requires the use of the Net::LDAP Perl module. There is plenty of documentation that comes with the software. I have made a unique “student registration system file” for each student in the class. Please make sure that you use the correct one as your input data, or you will receive zero marks for the output from your program. You will create several hundred ldap posix accounts from this student registration system file. Feel free to reuse the code you wrote for your first Perl account creation assignment, since the format of the data has not changed significantly. You may wish to use the standard Getopt::Long Perl module as a way to pass options to your software. See perldoc Getopt::Long. Assignment Requirements 1. Write a program that can read the data provided at http://ictlab.tyict.vtc. student ID Your .txt , where Your student ID is your nine-digit student number. Your program will generate ldif to create a posix ldap account for each user, and create a single private user group for each user. Make each user a primary member of their own private user group. Nick Urbanik nicku(at) ver. 1.3 Assignment 3: Creating bulk posix accounts in an LDAP Directory Systems and Network Management 2 2. As an option, your program should be able to generate accounts directly on the directory server. In this case, your software should check whether the account or group entry exists before creating it, and should inform the user about all error conditions. Note: I no longer recommend that you use the built in Perl functions getpwent and getgrent to determine the next available unused uidNumber and gidNumber. I suggest that instead you either: • simply start the uidNumber and gidNumber from 2000 if your directory has no accounts, since these numbers are only relevant in your own directory. OR: • use the method that I outlined in an email I sent you earlier, where you search for the highest uidNumber and gidNumber values in your directory, and start with a number 1 greater than that, or with 2000 if there are no accounts in your directory. 3. The root of your directory shall be ou= Your Student ID ,o=ICT. The user accounts shall be under ou=People,ou= Your Student ID ,o=ICT. The groups shall be under ou=Group,ou= Your Student ID ,o=ICT. 4. Each user account entry shall be a member of the following object classes: posixAccount, shadowAccount and any suitable structural class such as inetOrgPerson. 5. Each group entry should be a member of the posixGroup object class, and should contain an attribute cn which is equal to the user id for whom this is a private group. It should also contain an attribute gidNumber with a unique integer number greater than 1999 that has the same value as the gidNumber attribute that is in the corresponding user entry. 6. Each user account should have an attribute loginShell with the default value /bin/bash, and an attribute homeDirectory with the value /home/ user name . Each user entry should also have a gidNumber attribute (as mentioned above), and a uidNumber attribute. Both the uidNumber and gidNumber attributes should have unique values over 1999. 7. The program should also provide an option to generate ldif to delete the accounts read from the file(s) in the input. 8. The program does not need to create a home directory for each user. 9. The username should be the student number of the student and shall be stored in the uid attribute. For example, for a student with the name “YEUNG, Hoi Man,” and the student number 915367894, the user name that the person logs in with is 915367894. 10. The password shall be their Hong Kong id, with letters in lower case, but not including the parentheses or the check digit. So for a student with the Kong Kong id A456789(A), their password should be a456789. This means that there will be seven characters in each password. Nick Urbanik nicku(at) ver. 1.3 Assignment 3: Creating bulk posix accounts in an LDAP Directory Systems and Network Management 3 You are to create a userPassword attribute in each account, putting into it the text which is the md5 hash of the password. You can create this using either the unix md5 crypt() method of the Crypt::PasswdMD5 module you can install from cpan, or use the hash md5 password() function you used in your previous assignment. The userPassword attribute should begin with the string {crypt}. So for example, if a student number is A123456(3), then the output of: use Crypt::PasswdMD5; our $clear_passwd = shift || ’a123456’; our $hashed_password = unix_md5_crypt $clear_passwd; print "{crypt}$hashed_password\n"; may look like this: $ ./ {crypt}$1$xM8WAHwg$qwA3/nAhJRSSQ75qM6IdT0 and be suitable as a value for the userPassword attribute. 11. You should include the full name of each student in their cn attribute, their family name will be stored in the sn attribute, their given name will be stored in the givenName attribute. 12. More marks will be awarded for solutions that are more general, more flexible and of course, better structured. 13. Also, with the soft copy of your program, provide a soft copy of the following: • an ldif file output from your program that creates all the accounts and creates the private user groups for all the students in the artificial student data that was allocated to you. • an ldif file output from your program that deletes all the accounts and private user groups listed in the artificial student data file that was allocated to you. 14. Your program should display an informative error message for each account that fails to be created or deleted. 15. You should be prepared to demonstrate your program in the laboratory. If you have any questions about the assignment, please ask them by email. I will send the reply to all students if that seems helpful, but I will conceal the identity of the person who asked the question. I welcome any questions. Nick Urbanik nicku(at) ver. 1.3