SNM: Handouts for the EXAM Dear #GIVENNAME#, In Monday's exam, I will distribute the following: o The Quick Reference Guide to Perl, exactly as I distributed to you at the beginning of the year o The handout that is at: Note that this handout includes the exact same data as you will get with perldoc Net::SNMP perldoc Net::LDAP perldoc Net::LDAP::Entry perldoc Net::LDAP::Message perldoc Net::LDAP::Search perldoc Net::LDAP::Constant perldoc perldsc (the Perl Data Structures Cookbook). Note that it does _not_ include the contents of perldoc Net::LDAP::Examples. It also has a handy table of contents, and a comprehensive index at the end. Please make sure that you are familiar with this documentation so that it can be useful to you in the examination. There is a great deal of information in the documentation, 59 pages in the second document alone. For it to be useful to you, you MUST know how to quickly find information in it, under time pressure of the exam. The online version looks exactly like the version you will receive in the exam. If there are any solutions for any exercises that I have left out on the subject web site, please let me know. If you have problems with your eyesight, and would like a copy of this documentation in the examination printed in a larger font, please let me know as soon as possible. Any questions? See me in person today or Monday morning (but that's rather late!), or write an email.