%\documentclass[colorBG,slideColor,troispoints,pdf]{prosper} \documentclass[colorBG,total,slideColor,pdf]{prosper} %\documentclass[colorBG,slideColor,ps]{prosper} \usepackage{alltt,key,xr,cols,rcs,acro,nick,% graphicx,varioref,explanation,booktabs,multicol} \usepackage[nolineno,noindent]{lgrind} %\definecolor{green}{rgb}{0,1,0} \RCS $Revision: 1.0 $ \renewcommand*{\bs}{\texttt{\char '134}} % Backslash `\' %\newcommand*{\labTitle}{LDAP Directories} \newcommand*{\subject}{Systems and Network Management} \newcommand*{\emphcolour}[1]{\emph{\red#1}} \providecommand*{\RPM}{\acro{RPM}\xspace} \providecommand*{\CD}{\acro{CD}\xspace} \providecommand*{\IPC}{\acro{IPC}\xspace} \providecommand*{\UID}{\acro{UID}\xspace} \providecommand*{\GID}{\acro{GID}\xspace} \providecommand*{\SMP}{\acro{SMP}\xspace} \providecommand*{\API}{\acro{API}\xspace} \providecommand*{\OK}{\acro{OK}\xspace} \providecommand*{\IETF}{\acro{OK}\xspace} \providecommand*{\MS}{\acro{MS}\xspace} \title{\blue{}Subject Summary} \subtitle{If you missed some lectures, then don't miss this one!} \author{Nick Urbanik \texttt{}\\ \footnotesize{}Copyright Conditions: GNU FDL (see \url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html})} \institution{A computing department} \slideCaption{SNM --- Subject Summary--- ver. \RCSRevision} %\Logo{\includegraphics[width=15mm]{ict-logo-smaller}} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{slide}{Main Topics in this Subject} \begin{itemize} \item Perl \item \SNMP \item Network Troubleshooting \item Network Design \begin{itemize} \item \DHCP and \DNS systems \item \LDAP directories and querying them \end{itemize} \item Routing, Route Summarisation \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Perl} \begin{itemize} \item We covered the basics of the language \item Refer to the Perl Summary that I wrote \item You did two assignments \begin{itemize} \item \mbox{}{\red{}Revise your work in both of them} \end{itemize} \item I will provide a copy of the booklet \emph{Perl Reference Quide} in the exam (no need to bring your own copy) \begin{itemize} \item Please return the booklet in the exam \item Please do not write in it or mark it \item We want to use them again next year \end{itemize} \item There is {\green{}one question in the exam} on this topic \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{SNMP} \begin{itemize} \item There are \emphcolour{two} sets of notes on this topic; \begin{itemize} \item one (short set) from Albert on the \ISO network management model, \item one (long set) on the practicalities of \SNMP \end{itemize} \item You have configured an \SNMP agent in the laboratory \item In the lectures you also studied \SNMP version 3 \begin{itemize} \item If I had more time, I would have made some laboratory exercises on this topic \end{itemize} \item You had a test on this topic. I suggest that you revise this. \item \mbox{\green{}There is one question} on this topic in the exam \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Network Troubleshooting --- 1} \begin{itemize} \item This is a \emphcolour{new topic}; there are \emphcolour{no previouos exam questions} on this topic. \item I focussed on the use of Ethereal and \texttt{tcpdump} for collecting information about network problems \begin{itemize} \item However, Ethereal screen dumps don't fit well into an exam paper \item I wrote additional notes on using \texttt{tcpdump} with \DHCP \item So you may use your judgement as to which Ethernet packet sniffing tool I refer to in the exam. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Network Troubleshooting --- 2} \begin{itemize} \item We also examined many uses of such important and commonly available basic tools as \texttt{traceroute} (or \texttt{tracert}) and \texttt{ping} \begin{itemize} \item Do \emphcolour{not} waste time memorising any lengthy formulas; if they are required, they will appear in an {\blue{}appendix to the exam}. \end{itemize} \item We covered many topics in this area, including troubleshooting a switched network \item Altogether, {\green{}there is one question} \emphcolour{directly} on this area, and {\green{}half a question} that is \emphcolour{at least partly} on this area \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{\DHCP and \DNS Management Systems} \begin{itemize} \item We covered the basics of \DHCP operation \begin{itemize} \item including normal operation, and \item problems that can occur in \DHCP operation \end{itemize} \item We also studied two schemes for automating \DHCP and \DNS management \begin{itemize} \item One scheme introduced at this Institute, in the Computer Centre and our Department, \item One fully automated registration scheme involving a web registration application to which new users are automatically directed \end{itemize} \item There is {\green{}half a question} \emphcolour{directly} on these topics, and {\green{}another half question} that \emphcolour{includes} these topics \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{\LDAP directories and querying them --- 1} \begin{itemize} \item We covered a number of aspects of \LDAP directories, and \begin{itemize} \item I provided a laboratory exercise in setting up network accounts on a directory server, \item But due to insufficient laboratory time, we did not work through this in the classroom \item That will not be in the exam \end{itemize} \item However, we covered a few topics in authentication and authorisation \begin{itemize} \item both in the lectures and in the laboratory \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{\LDAP directories and querying them --- 2} \begin{itemize} \item I have already told you that: \begin{itemize} \item an {\blue{}appendix} to the exam paper from \RFC 2254 describes the grammar for \LDAP \item Another {\blue{}appendix} to the exam paper from \RFC 2255 describes the grammar for \LDAP \URL{}s. \end{itemize} \item There is {\green{}one question} on this topic in the exam. \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Routing, Route Summarisation} \begin{itemize} \item Due to the \acro{SARS} epidemic, my planned coverage of this area has been reduced, mainly to covering: \begin{itemize} \item route summarisation and \item address block allocation and design. \end{itemize} \item In particular, we have \emph{not} covered the same areas of switching as in the previous year \item I suggest that you be guided by the tutorial exercises we do in this area. \item There is {\green{}half a question} on this topic in the exam. \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Format of the Exam (2002--2003)} \begin{itemize} \item There are \emphcolour{five} questions \item There are \emphcolour{no options}---do all five questions \item That's good---no need to waste time deciding which one to leave out! \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Advice for the Exam} \begin{itemize} \item \emphcolour{Budget your time} wisely in the exam: \begin{itemize} \item Spend a few minutes to \emphcolour{plan} your time \item Divide remaining time by five \item Do \emphcolour{not} spend more than this time on any one question until you have answered five questions fully \end{itemize} \item {\mbox{}\green{}Show your working} \begin{itemize} \item A wrong answer with no working gets \emphcolour{zero} marks \item A wrong answer with some working that is on the right track gets \emphcolour{some} marks \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Summary of Topics in Exam} \setlength{\extrarowheight}{0pt} \begin{tabularx}{\slideWidth}% %{@{}X>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.25\slideWidth}@{}} {@{}Xc@{}} \toprule% {\mbox{}\red{}Topic} & \multicolumn{1}{p{0.25\slideWidth}@{}}% {\raggedright\arraybackslash{\mbox{}\red{}Number of Questions}: {\mbox{}\red{}directly}, {\mbox{}\green{}partly}} \\ \midrule% Perl & {\mbox{}\red{}1} \\ \SNMP & {\mbox{}\red{}1} \\ Network Troubleshooting & {\mbox{}\red{}1}, {\green{}\fracSl{1}{2}}\\ Network Design: & \\ \hspace*{2em}\DHCP and \DNS systems & {\mbox{}\red{}\fracSl{1}{2}}, {\green{}\fracSl{1}{2}}\\ \hspace*{2em}\LDAP directories and querying them & {\mbox{}\red{}1} \\ Routing, Route Summarisation & {\mbox{}\red{}\fracSl{1}{2}} \\ \bottomrule% \end{tabularx} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{Watch the Subject Web Site} \begin{itemize} \item I will begin writing \emphcolour{solutions} to past exam papers, the test, laboratory exercises and workshops, and \emphcolour{post them on our subject web site} \item Watch the web site for announcements: \item I will write and post \emphcolour{solutions} to problems as soon as I can. \item I will make a \emphcolour{new icon} to highlight changes on the site, \begin{itemize} \item including solutions to problems as I write them. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{slide} \end{document}