There are many alternatives when it comes to setting up a format for making slides/handouts/teaching material using LaTeX with beamer. There are issues with the setup and styling and how best to manage that. There are also the issues of creating all the different formats required: slides for projector, slides for transparencies, handouts in article format, possibly handouts in n-up format. There is also the Makefile. I prefer to not need to edit this at all when starting a new project: minimum setup time => greater productivity. The aim is to select a technique that offers the most flexibility with the easiest setup and the least amount of work to start a new presentation/workshop. I think that inputting the header is a good idea; keeping all the style information in one place (probably the root directory of the class, e.g., in ~/tafe/pc-hardware for each presentation that exists in its own directory below.) Perhaps it is better to do all this in a separate class file. For now, input a header. Can rewrite this as a class if the mood takes me. The method I used before: (OLD) =============================== * a separate header for each of beamer, trans and article document classes. (That is clearly grossly inefficient and can be replaced with one header). * One source file (good!) * Makefile edits source xxx-slide.tex into xxx-slide-trans.tex and xxx-slide-handout.tex Alternative suggested in Beamer manual: (BM) ============================================ * one main file * one stub file that \inputs the main file, uses appropriate document class and uses the appropriate main package * no header or separate class file, so let's modify to add one. Modified OLD (MO) ================= * One header file used for all: beamer-slide-header.tex * One source file for all: xxx-slides.tex * Makefile edits source file for each output type. * xxx-trans.tex * xxx-handout.tex Modified BM (MB) ================= * One header file used for all: beamer-slide-header.tex * One main source file for all: xxx-slides.tex * Makefile creates the stub files if they don't exist by editing templates in the upper directory: * xxx-beamer.tex * xxx-trans.tex * xxx-handout-a5.tex * It also copies ../template/template.tex to xxx.tex * Or a little Perl program creates a new project from a template given a name (and title?). Advantages, disadvantages of input header in xxx.tex ---------------------------------------------------- Only one place to modify if decide to use a different scheme (such as creating packages) Advantages, disadvantages of input header in stub files ------------------------------------------------------- If header replaced by class file, then options are set in the header. The header is input in xxx.tex. Rationale: specify in only one place. Make stubs simpler, less trouble to maintain. Can use packages, create variables before input the header as well as after. Advantages/Disadvantages Of Each Method ======================================= OLD --- Advantages: ----------- * Am familiar with it Disadvantages: -------------- * Maintaining 3 header files is stupid duplication BM --- Advantages: ----------- * Makefile can be really simple * Very easy for others to understand (important for collaboration) Disadvantages: -------------- * Need tailor each stub file to the project by putting correct name for inputting: prefer to automate this. MB --- Advantages: ----------- * Easy for others to understand * Easy to automate with Makefile or (for Makefile challenged collaborators) do manually Disadvantages: -------------- MO --- Advantages: ----------- * Easy for me (Makefile needs slight modification) Disadvantages: -------------- * Others may not understand it very well, and those who do not understand sed and make will probably be unable to understand how it works without being told explicitly: not so good for collaboration. OTHER USEFUL TECHNIQUES ======================= * Allow Makefile to build PDF via ps to use pstricks outside of a special environment. Put a list of files to which this applies (empty by default) * Use ps4pdf (see /usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/ps4pdf/) to use psfrag with direct PDF output CREATING THE TWO-UP HANDOUTS ============================ Currently I do: xxx-slide.tex ->[sed]-> xxx-slide-handout-a5.tex ->[pdflatex]-> xxx-slide-handout-a5.pdf ->[pdftops]-> ->[psnup -Pa5 -pa4 -2]-> ->[ps2pdf14 -dPDFsettings=/prepress]-> xxx-slide-handout.pdf * This *may* reduce the quality of output (though I am not sure). * Consider pdfnup, pdfjoin, pdf90 from the pdfjam package. * Consider avoiding the workflow: xxx-slide.tex ->[sed]-> xxx-slide-handout-a5.tex ->[pdflatex]-> xxx-slide-handout-a5.pdf ->[pdftops]-> ->[psnup -Pa5 -pa4 -2]-> ->[ps2pdf14 -dPDFsettings=/prepress]-> xxx-slide-handout.pdf * Instead, try using pgfpages. From the beamer manual: The pgfpages can do all sorts of tricks with pages. The most important one for printing beamer slides is the following command: \usepackage{pgfpages} \pgfpagesuselayout{resize}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm,landscape] This says "Resize all pages to landscape A4 pages, no matter what their original size was, but shrink the pages by 5mm, so that there is a bit of a border around everything." Naturally, instead of a4paper you can also use letterpaper or any of the other standard paper sizes. For further options and details see the documentation of pgfpages. The second thing you might wish to do is to put several slides on a single page. This can be done as follows: \usepackage{pgfpages} \pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm] This says "Put two pages on one page and then resize everything so that it fits on A4 paper." Note that this time we do not need landscape as the resulting page is, after all, not in landscape mode. pgfpages is documented in chapter 16 of the pgfmanual, where is written the important warning: Another word of caution: using pgfpages will produce wrong page numbers in the .aux file. The solution is to uncomment the following two lines only after first creating the .aux file by commenting out the following two lines: \pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[a4paper,landscape] \nofiles ============== My conclusion is that pgfpages may be a little bit of trouble to automate (considering that I already have automated my current clumsy system!) It is also a bit of trouble to handle manually, as people may not like the need to add comments the first run, then remove them for subsequent runs. Seems pdfnup may be the better way to go, though it is less ubiquitous than just pgfpages alone. With pdfnup, I can do: xxx-handout-a5.tex ->[pdflatex]-> xxx-handout-a5.pdf ->[pdfnup] -> xxx-handout.pdf All the sed-ing is handled inside pdfnup itself, which I can fix if it breaks. I can add a note on how to use pgfpages manually if a person has trouble using pdfnup which depends on a Bourne-compatible shell with various POSIX utilities PROPOSED SETUP: BM ================== top directory for the project (i.e., for teaching one subject) contains: Makefile and a directory template which holds the following stub files: template-handout-a5.tex template-trans.tex template-beamer.tex and Makefile.template template.tex beamer-slide-header.tex Note that template.tex inputs beamer-slide-header at the top of itself, from the current directory. To start a new topic, in top level directory do: make xxx This will create a directory xxx and into it copy template.tex as xxx.tex, template-handout-a5.tex as xxx-handout-a5.tex, template-trans.tex as xxx-trans.tex template-beamer.tex as xxx-beamer.tex Makefile.template as Makefile, editing each file to replace the text "template" with "xxx". The directory will also contain a symbolic link to ../template/beamer-slide-header.tex OTHER TOP LEVEL MAKE TARGETS ============================ in top level directory, just doing "make" with no target, or doing "make all" will build the source in each directory, and "make clean" will run make clean in each subdirectory, and "make distclean" will run make distclean in each subdirectory. Of course, this does not include template directory.