Archive: inflating: nick.sty % nick.sty % My favourite setups for LaTeX. % For TeX, read into preamble with \input{nick.sty}. % $Header: G:\EMTEX\TEXINPUT\LATEX2E\NICK\RCS\nick.sty 1.2 1995/09/14 21:39:02 Nick Exp Nick $ \RequirePackage{xspace} % Command to write C++ in a pleasing way: % \newcommand{\Cpp}{C\raisebox{0.35 ex}{\footnotesize \(\!+\!+\)}} \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cpp}% This still looks nicest in normalsize roman. {C\raisebox{0.35 ex}{\footnotesize\hspace{-.2em}+\hspace{-.2em}+}\xspace} % These two definitions look the same. % They have rather large plus signs, which don't look nice, but at least % they change font together, and change size consistently. % As such, they work in headings and large fonts, whereas Cpp only works % in normalsize rm font. \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cppn}% C++ new {C\raisebox{0.25 ex}{\hspace{-.2em}+\hspace{-.2em}+}\xspace} % . % Therefore . . Works both in and out of maths mode. % But I would like to get the spacing between this and the next char better. \def\so{\hbox{\kern.1em.\kern.145em\raise1.4ex\hbox{.}\kern.145em.\kern.5em}} % \newcommand{\B}{{\sf Breath}} \newcommand{\Bn}{{\sf BrAn}} \newcommand{\Ms}{\mbox{\hspace{1ex}}} % Math space. % The following line gets more space into the table made with the % tabular environment: % \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} % nameList genarates a list with an item width of my choice. % Syntax: \begin{nameList}{longestLabel} % From p. 28 of David J. Buerger, "LaTeX for Scientists and Engineers", % McGraw-Hill, 1990 % \newcommand{\nameListLabel}[1]{\mbox{#1}\hfil} \newcommand{\nameListLabel}[1]{\mbox{{\bf #1}}\hfil} \newenvironment{nameList}[1]{% \begin{list}{} { \let\makelabel\nameListLabel \settowidth{\labelwidth}{#1} \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.1\labelwidth} } }{% \end{list}} % Note the original needed \bf or whatever in the item, like this: % \item[{\bf Fox}] Principal character in the story, % \item[{\bf Dog}] Secondary character in the story, % \item[{\bf Food Dish}] Used daily by the dog. Underwent % Now have modified nameListLabel to incorporate {\bf ...}. % Use like this example: % \begin{nameList}{Food Dishxx} % \item[Fox] Principal character in the story, % {\it The Quick Brown Fox}. \ldots % % \item[Dog] Secondary character in the story, % {\it The Quick Brown Fox}. \ldots % % \item[Food Dish] Used daily by the dog. Underwent % possible damage when the dog landed in it. % \end{nameList} % I prefer my enumerations to have bold item numbers. % Adapted from article.sty. \def\labelenumi{{\bf\theenumi.}} \def\labelenumii{{\bf(\theenumii)}} \def\labelenumiii{{\bf\theenumiii.}} \def\labelenumiv{{\bf\theenumiv.}} % An attempt to make a list environment with less space between the % items. It doesn't seem to have achieved that, though. % \setlength{\topsep}{4pt plus2pt minus2pt} \newenvironment{thinItemise}% {\begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\topsep}{0pt plus1pt minus0pt}}% {\end{itemize}} \newenvironment{thinEnumerate}% {\begin{enumerate}\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\topsep}{0pt plus1pt minus0pt}}% {\end{enumerate}} % Have paragraphs separated by space rather than indented: \setlength{\parskip}{0.6em} \setlength{\parindent}{0ex} \newcommand{\bs}{\texttt{\char '134}\allowbreak} % Backslash `\' \newcommand{\lb}{\char '133} % left bracket `]' \newcommand{\rb}{\char '135} % right bracket `]' \newcommand{\hash}{\char '043} % hash `#', to use in \item[\hash] % or in item description text. \newcommand{\vb}{{\tt\char '174}} % vertical bar `|' \newcommand{\Ht}{\char '136} % hat `^' \newcommand{\Lt}{{\tt\char '074}} % Less than `<' \newcommand{\Gt}{{\tt\char '076}} % Greater than `>' \newcommand{\Tld}{\char '176} % tilde `~' Cannot use \Tilde with AMS-LaTeX. % From p. 92 of David J. Buerger \newcommand{\ix}[1]{#1\index{#1}} % Fraction with a slash, p. 311 of the TeXbook. % \newcommand{\fracSl}[2]{\mbox{\kern.1em % \raise.5ex\hbox{\small #1}\kern-.1em % /\kern-.15em\lower.25ex\hbox{\small #2}}} % This works better. \newcommand{\fracSl}[2]{\mbox{$\,{}^{#1}\kern-.15em/\kern-.1em{}_{#2}$}} % From lgrind.sty, changed to suit me. \def\LGfsize{\normalsize} %Size to use in \lgrindfile %\def\LGfsize{\footnotesize} %Size to use in \lgrindfile \def\LGsize{\small} %Size to use in displayed code, i.e, lagrind. % If don't want a sans serif fontstyle, then uncomment these. %\def\KWfont{\rm\bf} %Keyword font %\def\VRfont{\rm\it} %Variable name font \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathvf}{OT1}{cmss}{m}{sl} \def\Vf#1{\ensuremath{\mathvf{#1}}} % Variables, as produced by lgrind. \def\Kf#1{\textsf{\textbf{\textup{#1}}}} % Keywords, as produced by lgrind. \def\Of#1{\textsf{\textmd{\textup{#1}}}} % Operators, as produced by lgrind. % \LGindent=33.3333pt % Modified from article.doc \def\emDescripLabel#1{\hspace\labelsep \emph{#1}} \def\emDescrip{\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin \let\makelabel\emDescripLabel}} \let\endemDescrip\endlist % Typeset each item in the font for variables as ouput from lgrind: \def\varDescripLabel#1{\hspace\labelsep \Vf{#1}} \def\varDescrip{\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin \let\makelabel\varDescripLabel}} \let\endvarDescrip\endlist % This environment makes a figure look like a normal figure, while % lground figures have the ruled floatstyle. Nead use float.sty. % See c:/mpi/alg/search/alg7.tex for an example of use. % These lines need appear in the document: % \floatstyle{ruled} % \newfloat{Figure}{htbp}{lop} \newenvironment{fig}{\floatstyle{plain}\restylefloat{Figure}\begin{Figure}}% {\end{Figure}\floatstyle{ruled}\restylefloat{Figure}} % This environment is intended to indent the left margin only, % in the same way that the quote environment indents both the left and right % margins. \newenvironment{indentLeft} {\list{}{}\item[]} {\endlist} \newcommand{\initfamily}{\usefont{U}{yinit}{m}{n}} % From p. 108 of \emph{The \LaTeX{} Companion}, for tabular. \newcommand{\PreserveBackslash}[1]{\let\temp=\\#1\let\\=\temp} % This definition for \meta is copied and pasted directly from doc.sty. \begingroup \obeyspaces% \catcode`\^^M\active% \gdef\meta{\begingroup\obeyspaces\catcode`\^^M\active% \let^^M\do@space\let \do@space% \def\-{\egroup\discretionary{-}{}{}\hbox\bgroup\itshape}% \m@ta}% \endgroup \def\m@ta#1{\leavevmode\hbox\bgroup$\langle$\normalfont\itshape#1\/$\rangle$\egroup \endgroup} \def\do@space{\egroup\space \hbox\bgroup\normalfont\itshape\futurelet\next\sp@ce} \def\sp@ce{\ifx\next\do@space\expandafter\sp@@ce\fi} \def\sp@@ce#1{\futurelet\next\sp@ce} % Basically taken from j:\texinput\oumath.sty: \newcommand{\dint}{\displaystyle\int} \newcommand{\tint}{\textstyle\int} \newcommand{\dsum}{\displaystyle\sum} \newcommand{\tsum}{\textstyle\sum} % Note that AMS-LaTeX provides these already, so use \providecommand: % \providecommand{\dfrac}{\displaystyle\frac} % \providecommand{\tfrac}{\textstyle\frac} % From page 100 of \emph{The \LaTeX{} Companion}: \newcommand{\longpage}{\enlargethispage{\baselinestretch}} \newcommand{\shortpage}{\enlargethispage{-\baselinestretch}} % Multicols look no good with the default---too narrow. \setlength{\columnsep}{1.5pc} % Extra emphasis. % Use \providecommand or \DeclareRobustCommand % so still works if defined elsewhere. \providecommand{\eemph}[1]{\emph{\textbf{#1}}} % This is based on stuff from The LaTeX Companion, around p. 65. % Provides numbered paragraphs. Written for the MicroMouse Championships % rules. \newcounter{paraNumber} \newenvironment{numpara}% {% \begin{list}{\textbf{\thesection.\arabic{paraNumber}\hspace{1em}}}% {% \usecounter{paraNumber}% \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}% \setlength{\labelwidth}{0pt}% \setlength{\listparindent}{0pt}% }% }% {\end{list}} % From ltspace.dtx: %\def\@{\spacefactor\@m} % The value 3000 was selected after a quick look at The TeX book. \newcommand{\e}{\spacefactor3000} \providecommand{\ie}{i.e.,\xspace} \providecommand{\eg}{e.g.,\xspace} \providecommand{\hex}{\ensuremath{_{16}}\xspace} \providecommand{\oct}{\ensuremath{_{8}}\xspace} \providecommand{\dec}{\ensuremath{_{10}}\xspace} \providecommand{\bin}{\ensuremath{_{2}}\xspace} % This environment is intended to indent the left margin only from the % second line of a paragraph onwards. The first line of each paragraph % is flush with the left margin of the preceding text. % There is no vertical space between the paragraphs. \newenvironment{outdentLeft}% {\list{}% {% \setlength{\itemindent}{-2em}% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt}% remove vertical space above start of list \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}% remove vertical space between paragraphs \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}% remove vertical space above and below list \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em}% \setlength{\listparindent}{-2em}% }% \item[]}% {\endlist} % Change the defaults for the itemize environment markers: \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{$\circ$} \renewcommand{\labelitemiii}{\normalfont\bfseries--} % \renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{$\cdots$} % Want non-USA dates: \renewcommand\today{\number\day\space{} \ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space \number\year} % \newcounter{temp} % % \newcommand{\enumSection}[1]% % {% % \setcounter{temp}{enumi}% % \end{enumerate}% % \section*{#1}% % \begin{enumerate}% % \addtocounter{temp}{1}% % \setcounter{enumi}{temp}% % } % Silly problem with lgrind: get confusion with @ symbols being converted % into long sequences of syntax errors. Here's a fix. % Can also turn off behaviour of @ with %@- \newcommand{\at}{\symbol{64}} % A command to access the sans serif semibold condensed font: % Adapted from fonttext.ltx: \newcommand\sbcdefault{sbc} % Adapted from latex.ltx: \DeclareRobustCommand\sbcshape {\not@math@alphabet\sbcshape\relax \fontshape\sbcdefault\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textsbc}{\sbcshape}