% Format: latex % File: verbprt.tex % % This is a little LaTeX program that may come in rather handy. % It prompts for a file name and then a title to put on the % formatted document. % Nick, 8-9-94. \documentclass[% a4paper,% dvips,% %11pt% 12pt% ]{article} \usepackage{% %a4,% %vmargin,% geometry,% %varioref,% %multicol,% fancyhdr,% %fullpage,% verbatim,% %emlines2,% %xr,% %amssymb,% %amstex,% %lgrind,% nick% } %\setmarginsrb{18mm}% left % {13mm}% top % {18mm}% right % {14mm}% bottom % {15pt}% headheight---increase to stop fancyhead warn % {8mm}% headsep % {0pt}% footheight % {0mm}% footskip \geometry{a4paper, landscape, left = 18mm, right = 18mm, top = 13mm, bottom = 14mm, headheight = 15pt, headsep = 7mm, footskip = 0mm, includemp=false} \message{^^JFile to format verbatim: } \read-1 to\thisFile% \message{^^JTitle to be shown on the top of each page: } \read-1 to\thisTitleName% \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{\textbf{\upshape \thisTitleName}} \rhead{\textbf{\thepage}} \cfoot{} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \Large\bfseries \thisTitleName \end{center} \vspace{3ex} %\small \footnotesize \verbatiminput{\thisFile} \end{document}